View Full Version : Anyone suffer health anxiety ??

07-27-2013, 09:23 AM
Is anyone suffering with health anxiety, does anyone now how to cope with it ??? Xoxo

07-27-2013, 10:06 AM
Is anyone suffering with health anxiety, does anyone now how to cope with it ??? Xoxo

I have suffered with health anxiety for 2 years but the last few months I have been suffering really bad. I've been going to CBT which helps x

07-27-2013, 11:06 AM
Hiya hun whats CBT? And im the same ive been suffer just over 2 years and mines got really bad too started on some meds now, how to you cope ? xo

07-27-2013, 11:25 AM
CBT is a type of therapy that retrains your brain to think differently im doing it at the moment, are you from england? you can go to it for free if you ask your doctor. I just try to get on with my daily life and then my anxiety goes away for a bit but its come back really bad to the point I don't leave my house, I've been put on meds but don't take them I'm to scared x

07-27-2013, 11:33 AM
Hun i was like that when i first took my tablets i cried cuz i was scared it wouldnt be me anymore was tablets controling me i have been on them a week now and i still feel like me. I havnt left my house in months apart from last week when i went to my docs so i know how you feel xo

07-28-2013, 03:49 AM
I'm definitely not cured, but I do yoga a lot, which helps me to focus on the different parts of my body as they function instead of focusing on malfunctions and signals. It really helps me to do pranayama (breathing-exercises) because deep breathing makes a lot of the tension go away. I can only recommend it! -especially Iyengar Yoga :)

07-28-2013, 03:54 AM
I'm definitely not cured, but I do yoga a lot, which helps me to focus on the different parts of my body as they function instead of focusing on malfunctions and signals. It really helps me to do pranayama (breathing-exercises) because deep breathing makes a lot of the tension go away. I can only recommend it! -especially Iyengar Yoga :)

Defo will think about trying it, will try anything to help my days go better :)

07-28-2013, 10:58 PM
Is anyone suffering with health anxiety, does anyone now how to cope with it ??? Xoxo

Hey sazaroo,
I have been struggling with health anxiety for awhile now but recently it seems like its gotten worse. I find myself googling symptoms at least once a day which is by far the worse thing you can do. I find that some days are better than others especially the days that I am active ect or when Iam busy as my mind is preoccupied thinking about other things instead of focusing on my symptoms/health anxiety. Some things that I find help me would be working out. I find that yoga or Pilates helps me the most because it also helps relax me as we'll as get those endorphins going. I also think that doing guided meditations has helped me a lot too. You can find these online and or YouTube and I find help relax and calm my mind especially at night. Recently I was taught a technique in which to use when you find your mind thinking about your physical symptoms and or health anxiety. Basically whenever your mind starts to fill up with fear/worries whatever it may be, picture a big stop sign. It sounds silly but it really works! I know that I actually did it today and it helped. I currently developed bruising and although went to the doctor and found out everything was ok I still think the worse such as cancer ect. When my mind fills up with these fears and worries I simply just picture that stop sign and tell myself to stop and focus on something else and I can honestly say it really does help. :) hoped this helps! Feel free to message me if ever need someone to talk to about this. Best of luck!