View Full Version : Advice.... Reasurrance?!?! Please
07-27-2013, 09:06 AM
All of a sudden earlier my left arm started having this dull ache and its coming and going out of the blue so I thought right lets try and relax an I started feelin better then I had a palpertaion or a skipped heart beat all off a sudden as well out of the blue... This is freaking me out the palpertaion was really strong as well I skipped a beat then it neared again then skipped again whats happening??
07-27-2013, 02:10 PM
Your stressing out way to much. I get those skipped heartbeat sensations.. I also am experiencing left arm pain. I know it's scary but it's nothing! Our stupid Anxiety is playing with us!! try to ignore it and don't put attend toon to it. You'll see how slowly it will start to get better :) good luck
07-27-2013, 07:24 PM
Thanks for your replies its awful when ever I feel a new pain or weird thing happens to my body it freaks me out just don't get how anxiety can cause so many symptoms :/
07-27-2013, 08:04 PM
hey ive been having constant skipped beats for days now am getting scared its really irregular my heart and im getting chest pain i dont feel anxious at all but i wondered if it was maybe partly due to diazepam withdrawl... i give up
07-27-2013, 10:54 PM
I once had a horrible pain on my left arm that was a sharp pain and I thought 100% that I was having a heart attack. My sister managed to calm me down and I couldn't sleep at all that night because I thought my heart would stop in my sleep. Anxiety has some weird symptoms that mimic real pain, sensations, etc. Usually I only get palpitations when I am anxious but when you are not anxious and you are just doing what you normally do you really don't feel your heart beating. When you stay focused on your heart beat then your heart beats become irregular (or so you think it does) but that's normal. You are moving from an anxious state to a relaxed state and when that happens your heart beat changes and then you get scared and start to wonder why your heart started to beat slow and then it beats fast again but it felt like it skipped a beat. When I get little flutters in my chest or "missed heart beats" it is usually gas. I stopped getting scared of it because I would get them years ago and I figured if I am still alive now then thank God it isn't as bad as I thought.
Over time you will know what your anxiety symptoms are. Yes from time to time you will get some weird symptoms that you never had before but once they pass you may not be as scared as you were before.
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