View Full Version : Anxiety and big changes

07-27-2013, 12:32 AM
Hi guys,

First post. I was diagnosed with GAD about 5 years ago and put on anti depressants. I have been off these for about three years however and been fine with the odd like bout of anxiety.

My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 and a half years and been planning to move out. We just found a house this week and all of a sudden my anxiety has suddenly come back in full force. I've been feeling depressed, crying and worrying. I've been thinking to myself what if I don't like my boyfriend anymore and now I'm starting to convince I don't even though I know I do, I don't know why my heads messing with me. I was really excited and content before we confirmed this house now I feel dread and anxiety.

I'm worried ill end up hating him, worries ill miss my parents, worried how ill cope.

I don't know what to do. Will this pass? I don't feel like myself at all anymore :(

I hate this. I can't handle it.

Anyone else felt like this their first time moving with a partner? Anyone else's brains convincing them stuff that isn't true?

My minds a mess :(