View Full Version : Bad day.. Got out of the house and had a panic attack..

07-26-2013, 06:32 PM
I decided to go to the Italian festival near my area with my daughter.. I felt great before and about half way thru I started to feel so dizzy like I was going to pass out and was having a panic attack.. It was soo hot and there were so many people there. I had to go in the car and sit.. I cried my eyes out.. I'm so embarrassed and depressed.. I hate feeling this way and I feel like I fails as a parent I wanted to show her off and get fresh air... Still trying to calm down ..

07-26-2013, 08:06 PM
I decided to go to the Italian festival near my area with my daughter.. I felt great before and about half way thru I started to feel so dizzy like I was going to pass out and was having a panic attack.. It was soo hot and there were so many people there. I had to go in the car and sit.. I cried my eyes out.. I'm so embarrassed and depressed.. I hate feeling this way and I feel like I fails as a parent I wanted to show her off and get fresh air... Still trying to calm down ..

I feel for you I'm at the race right now which I love but am soooooo consumed in my own anxiety that I'm sitting in the trailer while the cars fly by outside. In a weird way that's what I'm doing with my life. Sitting sleeping hiding crying and wallowing in anxiety while my children grow up before my eyes and my husband feels alone. It's sickening to know this is what my life has come to.

07-26-2013, 08:22 PM
I feel for you I'm at the race right now which I love but am soooooo consumed in my own anxiety that I'm sitting in the trailer while the cars fly by outside. In a weird way that's what I'm doing with my life. Sitting sleeping hiding crying and wallowing in anxiety while my children grow up before my eyes and my husband feels alone. It's sickening to know this is what my life has come to.

I felt so bad I was with my mom but she understood just still sucks stuff like that used to never bother me

07-26-2013, 08:26 PM
I felt so bad I was with my mom but she understood just still sucks stuff like that used to never bother me

Me too. Now it's like scared of my own shadow

07-26-2013, 08:44 PM
Me too. Now it's like scared of my own shadow

Yeah I still haven't calmed down all the way still a little anxious feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack stroke or aneurysm ugh and my neck hurts

07-26-2013, 09:19 PM
Yeah I still haven't calmed down all the way still a little anxious feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack stroke or aneurysm ugh and my neck hurts

Awe I feel for you. I get like that too at certain events I used to love. How old is your child? My son is 8 months and I want my anxiety/panic attacks to go away so I can fully enjoy him!! He's so adorable and full of life!

07-26-2013, 09:24 PM
It's okay, it will get better soon if you don't let it get to you. You know you wont die from this so next time you have a panic attack try to calm yourself down and then continue on. If you keep letting this get to you then you will always feel bad. I used to have very bad panic attacks especially at work. I took 3 weeks off till i realized I can't live like this anymore! I always hyperventilate when I go to work but I put up with it for 6 hours because I need to and I can't let the anxiety control my life. No way!

07-26-2013, 09:29 PM
She is almost two months! I've been working on it ! I guess I just gotta take one step at a time!

07-27-2013, 01:52 AM
Panic attacks are horrible and can ruin your life because they make your life so small because you avoid so much.
Mindfulness about what around you and concentrating on your breath can stop the panic, but only if stop the bad thoughts and panic before you get too bad.
Also always have a bottle of water because just putting water on your lips can help stop a panic attack.

07-28-2013, 11:54 AM
Aww im sorry. My daughter is 4 and the other one 5 and yes they want to go out have fun. But this stupid attacks dont let us. I just want to enjoy them as much as i can. But is really hard when these symptoms are their :(

07-28-2013, 11:58 AM
Panic attacks are horrible and can ruin your life because they make your life so small because you avoid so much.
Mindfulness about what around you and concentrating on your breath can stop the panic, but only if stop the bad thoughts and panic before you get too bad.
Also always have a bottle of water because just putting water on your lips can help stop a panic attack.
So true about the water!