View Full Version : Has anyone try to get rid of anxiety

07-26-2013, 06:11 PM
Im trying so hard to get rid of this i went to the dr have a cbc everything is good then went to the cardio had a sono on my heart and a stress test everything is normal then i thought i had anuysem in my head and went to the neuro and had a MRI done and he said everything is fine so i try to go on with my life and say everything is good but im still getting this sysmtoms like disconfornt chest pain feels like a heart attack my left arm sometimes hurt my head i get these slight headaches and pain on my forehead and temples on on...im just wondering why this still had to go if im okay like when i dont think about it comes i dont understand i wanna do it natural not meds can anyone describle if they feel the same ? Thanks guys n gals!

07-26-2013, 06:26 PM
I can assure you everyone in this forum!
Unless someone has a weird fetish for it which I dont believe to be the case lol

07-26-2013, 06:29 PM
I have you been thru this with the same problems and sysmtoms im going thru?

07-26-2013, 06:55 PM
Anyone on here has been going thru what im going thru?

07-26-2013, 08:23 PM
Anyone on here has been going thru what im going thru?

Yes.. That's what makes anxiety especially tricky! Grrrr.. I can remember trying to get past a bad bout of anxiety and agoraphobia.. A trip down the block to the park was a major feat.. Anyway.. I was home.. Feeling strong.. With someone I loved.. So I decided to take a walk w him and our dog to the park.. And I was feeling so in control.. I walked up a grassy hill.. And felt like "I am good.. I can get past this.." And then a huge dizzy spell came over me.. Then came the shortness of breathe. .. I went straight back home.. It left me feeling so hopeless. And I felt that the physical symptoms I felt- OUT OF no where.. While I didn't feel stressed were PROOF there was really something medically wrong w me..

Years later and deep into treatment I looked back on that day many times in amazement at what our brains and bodies can do while in a state of anxiety.. Even if we don't FEEL like we are anxious.. and yes.. What u are describing I am absolutely relate to..

07-26-2013, 08:49 PM
Yea i cant get rid of it i mean i got everything i was worried about i dunno what i have to do to get rid of these things happening to me...are you trying to overcome this?

07-27-2013, 02:19 AM
What you feel is a result from over sensitized nerves. When you feel a symptom the way you react towards it, towards fear is what fuels it to happen again and again. Your parasympathetic nerves respond to your mood. To your attitude towards the fear you begin to feel. That creates the symptoms you feel in your body. You need to give your nerves rest to become desensitized

07-27-2013, 05:13 AM
Yea how do you make them rest so easy..i try so hard to stop i mean even when i with my daughter these things happen to me i cant even enjoy it..whats the best way to stop it when they do come on?

07-27-2013, 05:28 AM
I wish I could tell you that you can just get rid of it. but you really can't. You have to accept the anxiety is there, and work with it til it goes away. Over-all major stress in your life causes it..

What has really helped me dealing with it in the last 3 years (that it's been really bad) is recognizing the triggers of an attack) usually the trigger is doing something I don't feel like doing.. like going to an appointment, or going out to shop when I don't feel like it, or talking to someone I don't feel like talking to etc.. once you figure out the triggers of the attacks, you will feel a bit more in control.. it's not going to make the attacks easier, but you will have some idea of what's going on at least rather than being completely in the dark about it (and having no idea what's going on makes it worse)..

Exercising really does help, a long walk, or jogging in place cause it does release some of the tension in you. I am on an anti-depressant Zoloft, and it has helped tone down the severity of my panic attacks quite a bit, I don't have that adrenalin in my system for hours at a time anymore.. I still have anxiety (really bad anxiety) but it helps with the symptoms..you may want to consider medication if the attacks become just too overwhelming..

Another thing that really helps me is just working on my hobbies, I like making jewelry.. sometimes I don't feel like doing my hobbies, but I just force myself to, cause I know it's either that, or just feel miserable and anxious.. Working on any kind of task, like cleaning can help too. Hope you feel better soon.

07-27-2013, 06:12 AM
What you feel is a result from over sensitized nerves. When you feel a symptom the way you react towards it, towards fear is what fuels it to happen again and again. Your parasympathetic nerves respond to your mood. To your attitude towards the fear you begin to feel. That creates the symptoms you feel in your body. You need to give your nerves rest to become desensitized

So true.. And for me medication was the only thing that allowed my nerves to rest..

My dr explains how medication works similarly to what you're saying. He explains that the medication allows us peace and over time out brains rewire and become accustomed to reacting differently to previous triggers..

So he usually advises I lower my dosage at certain PTs In my treatment bc my brain can do it on its own..

Some people are good for a long while after meds.. Some of us need to go through the whole routine again, as I do and am..

07-27-2013, 06:48 AM
It takes time and practice to not respond to symptoms and pains with fear and worry. YOu have to rationalize things. Every time a pain usually comes along people assume the worst. Much like you have described, fears of heart attacks or brain disorders or cancer. In reality these pains are from the body. It's a way of your body showing you that the anxiety and worry has stressed it out. The muscles ache from the fight or flight response going off daily, sometimes hourly because of the fears and worries we have around symptoms.

What you should do is read the stickies at the top of this forum. Understand anxiety and how it really does cause physical pain. But you also must accept it's anxiety this can take time. but everytime you have pains so bad you think you're going to die what happens? You wake up the next day. Time after time this should start to proove to you that it's nothing that's wrong with you and that it's anxiety.

Speak to your doctor about CBT and start therapy as it's very helpful. Also i wrote something recently that might be helpful:


But remember this takes time. YOu can have days when you feel fine, no doubt because the pains aren't there. But then a pain can come along out of the blue. But you need to remind yourself why they occur. A stressed out body. Your body will repair itself. THe body is amazing at doing this but it takes time.

When you start removing the fear and worry you will start to recover. But it can take months or more. There's no overnight cure for anxiety.

Hope you feel better soon.


07-27-2013, 07:12 AM
Thank you guys!! U guys are really supported in what we all going thru..im gonna go for consuleing and see how it goes i hope it helps lol i wanna get rid this so bad its taking over my life i see other people there happy and dont have a worry in life i just wanna be like them 😔 i was so happy when i was younger and now im 28 yrs with a wife and a daughter i cant even enjoy i always wanna stay home becuz i feel like if i go out something will happen its very scary!! I cant even enjoy my little girl becuz these systoms take over me and i cant enjoy it...when you guys feel like something coming on what do you guys do?

07-27-2013, 08:20 AM
Yea how do you make them rest so easy..i try so hard to stop i mean even when i with my daughter these things happen to me i cant even enjoy it..whats the best way to stop it when they do come on?

Well letting them rest may seem hard. But it's kind of what applecherry said. You have to accept what you feel. Full on accept it, don't become upset with the feelings, don't become afraid and accept the feeling full on. If you dont react with fear or any kind of stress then your parasympathetic nerves won't respond. Your nerves are sensitized still so you will still feel the strange things but they should begin to subside a bit with time. If you don't feel much better in 2 weeks, 3 weeks, a month, or 2 months or more do not become upset with yourself, keep giving yourself more time. These are some things that Claire Weekes says in her book

07-27-2013, 08:28 AM
Thank you guys!! U guys are really supported in what we all going thru..im gonna go for consuleing and see how it goes i hope it helps lol i wanna get rid this so bad its taking over my life i see other people there happy and dont have a worry in life i just wanna be like them dde14 i was so happy when i was younger and now im 28 yrs with a wife and a daughter i cant even enjoy i always wanna stay home becuz i feel like if i go out something will happen its very scary!! I cant even enjoy my little girl becuz these systoms take over me and i cant enjoy it...when you guys feel like something coming on what do you guys do?

This is exactly how I felt a couple of months ago. I hated going anywhere between I just didn't feel right and felt like something would happen that would cause a panic attack. I can go out now, I still have anxiety but I'm accepting it and letting it do it's thing without me adding fear and bewilderment. When i feel something I just let it happen, I'll stop what I'm doing and just "float" through it and let it happen. Then I just get back to what I was doing. Feels crappy, but becoming afraid wont help the situation. The anxiety has toned down a lot so far so I'm excited for the future.

07-27-2013, 08:41 AM
I hear you brother!! It just sucks i had everything checked out my blood,heart,MRI done to my brain and everything is normal...just these sysptoms come out nowhere and i hate it i cant control it i just hope it stops soon wanna enjoy life again!! Thanks guys for all the support God bless u all

07-27-2013, 10:15 AM
Yes you can get rid of anxiety ... I've had anxiety for 11 years and its finally starting to go ... All you need to do is accept it first !! The best thing I do and i find if helps is I use a clock work therapy , when it arrives I welcome it .. Let it stay for 5 min then I tell it to go away .. And I keep repeating the clock work ... It's helped me a lot