View Full Version : Feeling a but down - need someone to chat to :(

07-26-2013, 03:55 PM
Does anyone ever just feel really down like they're never going to get rid of this horrible anxiety that's stuck with us? Had so many things happen recently that I just feel so down and in need of a chat :( anyone up for it? Literally been sat outside all day and still am now just thinking things over and over, PM me or kik me: generalworrier
Bleurgghh one day we'll all have beaten this and that day will be the happiest day of my life :)

07-26-2013, 04:01 PM
Why are you worried?

07-26-2013, 04:19 PM
Why are you worried?

I'm just worried that no one understands, like my mum says its all my fault that I can't do anything normally without worrying because its my fault that my anxiety started in the first place. I went to my doctor about it and she didn't even go with me or ask how it went, also yesterday I was so proud of myself because I'd managed to get to a job interview that I have been dreading for weeks. Yes I was 10x nervous than the other people there but I didn't cancel or anything, I didn't get the job but it doesn't matter because now I've done it i know I can do it again, where as my mum was more bothered about me not getting the job instead of noticing the progress I'd made :/ on top of everything I've got some serious health problems going on that I've been through all on my own and my brother is going through a stressful time with his health too :( I just don't even know where to start I'm sorry

07-26-2013, 04:30 PM
It sounds to me like you worry not only Bour yourself but about others to,start thinking about yourself first then

07-26-2013, 04:31 PM
Then think about others after,well done going to the interview tho that's a gr8 step forwards

07-26-2013, 04:33 PM
Then think about others after,well done going to the interview tho that's a gr8 step forwards

Yeah I tend to worry more about those than myself sometimes, I can't help it I honestly hate seeing people upset or hurt, I'd rather have it myself than watch others go through it:/ thanks, just wish those around me would see that too!

07-26-2013, 04:47 PM
Does anyone ever just feel really down like they're never going to get rid of this horrible anxiety that's stuck with us? Had so many things happen recently that I just feel so down and in need of a chat :( anyone up for it? Literally been sat outside all day and still am now just thinking things over and over, PM me or kik me: generalworrier
Bleurgghh one day we'll all have beaten this and that day will be the happiest day of my life :)

Yep I feel like my anxiety will never go, I don't mind chatting to you.

Well done for going to your job interview that's a big achievement!

We will beat this stupid anxiety one day :)

07-26-2013, 04:49 PM
I'm just worried that no one understands, like my mum says its all my fault that I can't do anything normally without worrying because its my fault that my anxiety started in the first place. I went to my doctor about it and she didn't even go with me or ask how it went, also yesterday I was so proud of myself because I'd managed to get to a job interview that I have been dreading for weeks. Yes I was 10x nervous than the other people there but I didn't cancel or anything, I didn't get the job but it doesn't matter because now I've done it i know I can do it again, where as my mum was more bothered about me not getting the job instead of noticing the progress I'd made :/ on top of everything I've got some serious health problems going on that I've been through all on my own and my brother is going through a stressful time with his health too :( I just don't even know where to start I'm sorry

Made me sad reading this not being noisy but how old are u? As a parent my self your children can be tiering however as tierd as I get I always praise mine for anything they do cuz praise is up lifting and feels good. Well done for going to your interview like u said its not always getting the job it the experience also that u have gained and u can use that again to know how you could improve on ur next interview also because u got through the interview which would have been hard but u did it do u know u can do it again ;). I am a worrier too specially with health and my children and family it's so so hard not to. But you should be happy that u made this achievement to a person who doesn't suffer anxiety interviews are still nerve racking but it's such a challenge for a suffer and you did it you completed that challenge alone so you should be proud ;)

07-26-2013, 04:54 PM
Yep I feel like my anxiety will never go, I don't mind chatting to you.

Well done for going to your job interview that's a big achievement!

We will beat this stupid anxiety one day :)

Sure, PM me whenever you want a chat :) thank you! It honestly means a lot to me that you guys are here for me. We sure will, I can't wait for this day to come.

07-26-2013, 05:00 PM
Made me sad reading this not being noisy but how old are u? As a parent my self your children can be tiering however as tierd as I get I always praise mine for anything they do cuz praise is up lifting and feels good. Well done for going to your interview like u said its not always getting the job it the experience also that u have gained and u can use that again to know how you could improve on ur next interview also because u got through the interview which would have been hard but u did it do u know u can do it again ;). I am a worrier too specially with health and my children and family it's so so hard not to. But you should be happy that u made this achievement to a person who doesn't suffer anxiety interviews are still nerve racking but it's such a challenge for a suffer and you did it you completed that challenge alone so you should be proud ;)

Hey don't be sad dear!:) no need to wipe the smile off of your face because of something I've said! You're not nosey at all, I'm 17. Thank you so much, I really am overwhelmed by even you few guys congratulating me. I love my mum to pieces I would do anything for her but I just don't know what I'm doing wrong, I wish I knew because I would do anything to have her by my side :( yeah I know what you mean, I wish I could just take all the pain away from my brother at the minute I wouldn't care how much it hurt me as long as I could see him happy and normal again. I am very happy and so so thankful for your comments, but please don't be said through something I've wrote, everyone has different lives I've got used to mine I guess :')

07-26-2013, 05:11 PM
Hey don't be sad dear!:) no need to wipe the smile off of your face because of something I've said! You're not nosey at all, I'm 17. Thank you so much, I really am overwhelmed by even you few guys congratulating me. I love my mum to pieces I would do anything for her but I just don't know what I'm doing wrong, I wish I knew because I would do anything to have her by my side :( yeah I know what you mean, I wish I could just take all the pain away from my brother at the minute I wouldn't care how much it hurt me as long as I could see him happy and normal again. I am very happy and so so thankful for your comments, but please don't be said through something I've wrote, everyone has different lives I've got used to mine I guess :')

Your mum could also be upset from what ever is going on with your brother too but if she has never suffered anxiety or anything like this then she will deal with things differently. Your still a young lad and the world is ur oyster ;) there's plenty of jobs available to you out ther uv took a big step into such a sum times scary world and completed your interview ur mum could also be worried about money ect so

07-26-2013, 05:15 PM
Your mum could also be upset from what ever is going on with your brother too but if she has never suffered anxiety or anything like this then she will deal with things differently. Your still a young lad and the world is ur oyster ;) there's plenty of jobs available to you out ther uv took a big step into such a sum times scary world and completed your interview ur mum could also be worried about money ect so

Sorry sent before I fin. Just try and talk to your mum I'm sure she will understand. I hope ur brother gets better with what ever is going on with him too. It's horrible wen ur family are not well but keep strong and positive and I no it's hard but you are a very young lad and you should try not take on the world alone my own son can be like that at times and I have to tell him that he's to young too worry about certain things cuz I want him not to be a worrier like me

07-26-2013, 05:21 PM
Sorry sent before I fin. Just try and talk to your mum I'm sure she will understand. I hope ur brother gets better with what ever is going on with him too. It's horrible wen ur family are not well but keep strong and positive and I no it's hard but you are a very young lad and you should try not take on the world alone my own son can be like that at times and I have to tell him that he's to young too worry about certain things cuz I want him not to be a worrier like me

It's okay, trust me I've tried to but I just don't get anywhere. It ends up with me being blamed for the fact I have anxiety which just makes me a whole lot worse. Yeah I'm sure we'll both be fine, we've got each Orr and ate all that matters I guess? I wish I could have kids, without wanting to sound cheap I've always dreamed of having a family but recently got told I have a disease which means my ovaries don't work properly, never mind anything else going on. Ah well they say everything happens for a reason, there'll come a day where we are all healed from this horrible thing! I'm a girl by the way aha, doesn't matter though! :)

07-26-2013, 05:45 PM
It's okay, trust me I've tried to but I just don't get anywhere. It ends up with me being blamed for the fact I have anxiety which just makes me a whole lot worse. Yeah I'm sure we'll both be fine, we've got each Orr and ate all that matters I guess? I wish I could have kids, without wanting to sound cheap I've always dreamed of having a family but recently got told I have a disease which means my ovaries don't work properly, never mind anything else going on. Ah well they say everything happens for a reason, there'll come a day where we are all healed from this horrible thing! I'm a girl by the way aha, doesn't matter though! :)

Sorry I'm only on my fne nd pics rnt to clever can see more now uv changed ur pic ;) so sorry bout that. Even if they dnt wrk proper there's many people that still have children nd there's lots they can do now too ;). I'm 31 now but I started wiv anxiety wen I was around 13 I've had it on and off nd will go yrs wiv out but when I have lots of stress and problems like I have recently it will take over and bring my panic back :(. But my mum used to suffer panic attacks she doesn't now but she helped me because she knew how it felt I knw some people do find it hard to understand if they have never been ther but u are ur mums baby she should help u and try to understand. How long have u felt like this?

07-26-2013, 05:55 PM
Sorry I'm only on my fne nd pics rnt to clever can see more now uv changed ur pic ;) so sorry bout that. Even if they dnt wrk proper there's many people that still have children nd there's lots they can do now too. I'm 31 now but I started wiv anxiety wen I was around 13 I've had it on and off nd will go yrs wiv out but when I have lots of stress and problems like I have recently it will take over and bring my panic back. But my mum used to suffer panic attacks she doesn't now but she helped me because she knew how it felt I knw some people do find it hard to understand if they have never been ther but u are ur mums baby she should help u and try to understand. How long have u felt like this?

Aha it's okay ;) yeah that's true, just hope there's something out there so I can bring up my own children one day. Ah that's not good, you must be strong to have dealt with it like this. Same here, I get that worked up I find my self walking out of class sometimes just to get some air. My tutors have been worried about me recently and have tried to get involved but I don't see the point if they aren't going to understand the situation, it's hard for me never mind someone who isn't going through it. My mum hasn't suffered anything like this before, none of my family have:( It's connected with the disease I have so I think that's where it's originated from. She should, but it doesn't seem like she's interested :( I've felt like this for roughly two and a half years, been coping with it on my own mostly up until when I signed up to this forum