View Full Version : Freaking Out Once Again-_-!!!

07-26-2013, 11:19 AM
Ok so last night I exepierienced something that was a bit shocking and scary.. I fell asleep fine but woke up around 3am short of breath .. I'm freaking out because its only happened to me twice . Or occasionally when I'm drunk.. I hope this isn't Sleep Apnea or something terrifying /:
Advice needed

07-26-2013, 11:57 AM
Well sleep apnea shouldnt terrify you to begin with.

Second this used to happen to me a lot until I just didnt pay attention to it anymore. Then it went away. I dont have anymore sleeping symptoms becausse they dont bother me anymkre. I got over my panic attacks because I just stopped caring over my heart symptoms.

What has been bothering me though is thoughts. I cant shut my brain off so to say.

07-26-2013, 12:02 PM
Well sleep apnea shouldnt terrify you to begin with.

Second this used to happen to me a lot until I just didnt pay attention to it anymore. Then it went away. I dont have anymore sleeping symptoms becausse they dont bother me anymkre. I got over my panic attacks because I just stopped caring over my heart symptoms.

What has been bothering me though is thoughts. I cant shut my brain off so to say.

Terrifies me a lot because it can cause sudden death ..
But im glad to know this might be anxiety related .

07-26-2013, 05:02 PM
My husband has sleep apnea. He lived for a long time with it before he got a CPAP. your body is designed to wake you up if you stop breathing. It woke him up 15-30 times an hour, just enough for him to breathe again. So, the fact that you woke up is a GOOD thing.

This is probably anxiety. It's exactly the symptoms I get when my anxiety is high and I'm not on sleep meds. I wake with a start and my heart racing. And then I can't calm down and go to sleep again. It sucks majorly.

Things that do help: Listening to meditation recordings, turning on the radio (I prefer the BBC because the accents lull me to sleep) to keep my thoughts occupied, getting up and stretching and then going back to bed.

07-26-2013, 06:23 PM
My husband has sleep apnea. He lived for a long time with it before he got a CPAP. your body is designed to wake you up if you stop breathing. It woke him up 15-30 times an hour, just enough for him to breathe again. So, the fact that you woke up is a GOOD thing.

This is probably anxiety. It's exactly the symptoms I get when my anxiety is high and I'm not on sleep meds. I wake with a start and my heart racing. And then I can't calm down and go to sleep again. It sucks majorly.

Things that do help: Listening to meditation recordings, turning on the radio (I prefer the BBC because the accents lull me to sleep) to keep my thoughts occupied, getting up and stretching and then going back to bed.

Thanks for the tip, i'll try listening to some soothing tunes. Its just hard for me right now since I have sever nasal congestion and that makes my anxiety that much worse.