View Full Version : Venting and could use reassurance...:)

07-26-2013, 10:17 AM
I have been doing really well lately, still have my ups and downs although I have been able to work through it all fairly well. Had a doctors appointment on tuesday because I have been having vertigo symptoms off and on... seems to be worse when I am at work, (enclosed office with no windows). My Dr checked my blood pressure (which is my one of my BIGGEST fears) I was good at 130/70 :) Yet I am still feeling vertigo-ish... Today at work walking into the pharmacy and looking at all the shelves behind the counter it seemed like they were moving, then the panic symptoms kick in.. sweaty hands, shaky legs, whole body hot flash... it's so frustrating, part of me thinks the Dr missed something but then the realistic side says it's all in my head..

07-26-2013, 10:26 AM
I have been doing really well lately, still have my ups and downs although I have been able to work through it all fairly well. Had a doctors appointment on tuesday because I have been having vertigo symptoms off and on... seems to be worse when I am at work, (enclosed office with no windows). My Dr checked my blood pressure (which is my one of my BIGGEST fears) I was good at 130/70 :) Yet I am still feeling vertigo-ish... Today at work walking into the pharmacy and looking at all the shelves behind the counter it seemed like they were moving, then the panic symptoms kick in.. sweaty hands, shaky legs, whole body hot flash... it's so frustrating, part of me thinks the Dr missed something but then the realistic side says it's all in my head..

I get that feeling and it really scares me as dnt like feeling " off Balance " which is how I feel ... I had it bad about a mth or so ago at wrk and then it just sets off a panic attack ...
I went to shops this morn and rushed around as i was feeling a little light headed and just wanted to be out ov there

07-26-2013, 10:29 AM
I get that feeling and it really scares me as dnt like feeling " off Balance " which is how I feel ... I had it bad about a mth or so ago at wrk and then it just sets off a panic attack ...
I went to shops this morn and rushed around as i was feeling a little light headed and just wanted to be out ov there

Yah that's the way I feel... and when I start getting it I feel like I get a rush feeling through my head?! I rush through things also just to get it done and then be able to relax by sitting/laying down. How do you get through it? Do you do anything to help reduce the feeling?

07-26-2013, 10:48 AM
Yah that's the way I feel... and when I start getting it I feel like I get a rush feeling through my head?! I rush through things also just to get it done and then be able to relax by sitting/laying down. How do you get through it? Do you do anything to help reduce the feeling?

Can't say I do anything that helps as wen I have an attack I tell myself " been here b4 , I'm goin 2b ok etc etc but I get as scared as if it was the first time im having one and I've had them since I was 11yrs old.....
Yeah , I rush thru things or do things really quickly , like my body goes into auto-pilot

07-26-2013, 10:56 AM
Can't say I do anything that helps as wen I have an attack I tell myself " been here b4 , I'm goin 2b ok etc etc but I get as scared as if it was the first time im having one and I've had them since I was 11yrs old.....
Yeah , I rush thru things or do things really quickly , like my body goes into auto-pilot

It's so crappy... :(