10-04-2007, 09:46 AM
im going to meet my best friend at brookfield zoo today, With high Anxiety, I have my xanax with me, Ughhhh Im scared, but i need to get out & my friend wants to see me, Post more later, Ughhh in 80s today to, hope that doesnt trigger anxiety to me, Maybe when i see the animals ill calm down, well ill get a Snow cone or something cold to, Has any of you been to the zoo with anxiety? would love to know your experiences. :cry:

10-04-2007, 01:35 PM
I used to live a few blocks from Brookfield Zoo and always found it peaceful and fun. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself.

10-05-2007, 05:53 AM
Yeah totally,

Thinking that you're GOING to have anxiety is a great way to set youself up to have anxiety when you get there. THINK positively. think about how much fun it will be to eat that snowcone and see the animals.

You're going to have a great day. You just need to believe it to achieve it.


10-06-2007, 01:09 PM
:D i made it to brookfield zoo & had fun, & i had such a bad phobia at first, cus i knew it was going to be in the 80s, & the dang heat triggers my anxiety, But lucky i was OK, I took my rescue Remedy in my purse, Who ever thinks, What the He## is that? you can web surf for RESCUE REMEDY FOR ANXIETY, you give it to pets as well. but anyway, wanted to say my updates as i started this post, I ate there To & seen the monkeys & the seals & birds, But only lasted 3 1/ 2 hours. as i was Very tired, & i was starting to get Edgy, Im not used to getting out that long, But again, Thanks for your replys, & who ever sees this, Has your Anxiety get to you when you go places? If so, what do you do? till a nother post, Ya All take care :D

10-06-2007, 06:05 PM
hey anxietycitygal,

I'm right on board with you regarding the whole "heat causing anxiety" issue. When it's humid inside or outside i feel gross. Dirty, sticky, just generally uncomfortable. I don't feel bad about having that kind of anxiety though. I just don't like humidity like anyone else. I have yet to meet someone that loves humidity. So take care and know you're in the same boat with everyone else.

As far as what i do about it? I get to an air conditioned room, building or place immediately. :tongue:


10-06-2007, 08:43 PM
:D i made it to brookfield zoo & had fun, & i had such a bad phobia at first, cus i knew it was going to be in the 80s, & the dang heat triggers my anxiety, But lucky i was OK, I took my rescue Remedy in my purse, Who ever thinks, What the He## is that? you can web surf for RESCUE REMEDY FOR ANXIETY, you give it to pets as well. but anyway, wanted to say my updates as i started this post, I ate there To & seen the monkeys & the seals & birds, But only lasted 3 1/ 2 hours. as i was Very tired, & i was starting to get Edgy, Im not used to getting out that long, But again, Thanks for your replys, & who ever sees this, Has your Anxiety get to you when you go places? If so, what do you do? till a nother post, Ya All take care :D

That's great to hear! I remember when I use to regret going anywhere because I thought I would have an anxiety attack if I went. If you think positively only good happen. :D

10-07-2007, 08:46 PM
That's good! The best thing is it just get out of the house, anxious or not. I have to carry a Xanax with me sometimes just in case but I usually don't have to take it. I only pop it if I'm getting a full blown panic attack.