View Full Version : No support

07-26-2013, 06:32 AM
My partner used to be really supportive of me and the anxiety but now he seems to be angry all the time and thinks I'm being silly. I am also pregnant and suffer bad sickness it's really getting me down and making me not want to be pregnant I'm scared out relationship is not going to work out if this anxiety doesn't go away :(

07-27-2013, 02:19 AM
I hope you feel better soon xx

My partner doesn't understand mine at all, tbh I think he thinks I over exaggerate and make half of it up. :(

I think they just need some more education on it, a day in our shoes!

07-27-2013, 02:24 AM
Yes I Totally agree,plus being Pregnant is not easy on top of the anxiety,my husband don't understand my anxiety and if he gets fed up with it I think oh well you get on with it as I've got enough to worry about without worrying about how he's feeling about it on top of it all

07-27-2013, 02:40 AM
The anxiety has got real bad since bein pregnant and I'm only 10 weeks so still a
Long long way to go! Scared things are going to get worse even CBT isn't woking anymore. Thought if be happy being pregnant again but I'm not :( really bad sickness as well which makes things worse wish I could be cured I would do pretty much anything to be cured