View Full Version : Anxiety is back

07-26-2013, 04:55 AM
Hi everyone. I have had anxiety since I was 17 and I am now 28. I had it under control for over 9 years with little panic attacks here and there. Well the past year ha been hell for me. It came back and stronger then ever. I upped my med that i was on because its likely it pooped out but it never left. I had constant anxiety everyday for every little thing. I thought of something too much I had it. Felt sick thought I was dying etc. it went down a little after a few months and I switched meds. It escalated a little for a month then back down. I upped my med dosage it was up and down for months. I then switched meds again. Anxiety gone for a month then back off and on for a few months. I recently upped my med dosage and my anxiety is all time high. Just like when it first started last year. I get these crazy thoughts about everything and panic over it. I get all the symptoms, racing heart, sweaty, diarrhea, nausea etc and I feel I'm losing it. Then I think it will never leave an panic more. I been like this for days already. I keep thinking if the meds are working. This is the second one I tried. I been exercising more and breathing but its still there. I wake up with it too. Idk what to do its been a year and it has not settled. Please help. Any advice or just guidance would help.......Btw I was on celexa 40, Paxil 20 and 30, lexapro 10 and now on lexapro 20