10-03-2007, 03:10 PM
I have had really bad anxiety (am 36 weeks pregnant) my doc finally decided to put me on Celexa because the anxiety was so bad and depression starting to get very bad as well - I dont like medications at all and certainly not while I am pregnant but I felt at a loss becuase I could barely go to the store without feeling like I was going to have a panic attack - I took the first pill this morning and about an hour after starting feeling kinda nauseous and it actually got pretty bad my heart started feeling like it was racing and I felt like I was going to pass out for a minute or two, was goign to go to the hospital, ended up lying down sleeping for a few hours and feel not too bad now but I am so lost, I have no idea do I take it again tomrrow and maybe this is just in my head because Im so paranoid of taking pills and worried that somethings going to happen and Im going to die or hurt the baby, or do I just stay off these pills I have no idea please help

THe plan was to stay on the pills and then have cognitive behaivoral therapy so i could actaully get the root problem addressed and then get off the meds ,but I dont even know if I want to keep taking them and its only been one day please help

10-03-2007, 04:35 PM
The symptoms you describe are not too unusual when taking these kinds of sssri's. But that's normally after a few days worth rather than just the one day. I suspect you are working yourself up to a bit of a frenzy because you may feel the meds will do you or the baby harm. From my experience they wont cause any real problems. But because you are too overly concerned this is bringing on unnecessary anxiety.
Your doc has prescribed them and he ought to know best. So tomorrow, before you take your next dose, ring your surgery and seek advice from the doc. State its a matter of real concern. and hopefully you will get the reassurance you need.

10-11-2007, 02:33 AM
I had those symptoms when i started Cipralex (Lexapro), but I only got it on the 2nd / 3rd day and it was expected. I think you are experiencing panic from your condition rather than the medication and I agree with Phil that your worries about your baby are probably making it worse.

I do know, from talking with my Psychiatrist that it is possible to have babies while taking medication (certain types) and if your doctor prescribed it during your pregnancy I am sure it is fine. Maybe getting a second opinion will rest your worries. I am currently coming off my medication becuase mine was not ideal to have a baby with. He did tell me their are certain types i can go on if i cant handle things during my pregnancy so dont stress, there are plenty of women who have your problem and its better to feel relaxed than anxious at this time.

Good luck and in the meantime, dont over analyse this. your doctor studied many years and you must learn to trust the medical fraternity. distract yourself, go baby shopping, meet up with friends , keep busy and above all get some excercise.....

( :) hugs)