View Full Version : If you have more than one migraine a month its not a brain aneurysm

07-25-2013, 04:15 PM
I read if you get more than one a month it's not gonna be a aneurysm. "The worst headache of your life " is usually a one time event. This helps me with my phobia of getting a brain aneurysm

07-25-2013, 09:23 PM
Listen dont think about that if it doesnt run in your family your fine!! But if it bothers you then go get a MRI its only 20 mins and they will deff know becuz i had it done i have really bad health anxiety so just get it done so you have to worry all the time and beat this anxiety!! Take care wish you well

07-26-2013, 01:44 AM
Listen dont think about that if it doesnt run in your family your fine!! But if it bothers you then go get a MRI its only 20 mins and they will deff know becuz i had it done i have really bad health anxiety so just get it done so you have to worry all the time and beat this anxiety!! Take care wish you well

How do you do that

07-26-2013, 03:36 AM
Go to a neurologist and tell him what you feel and have a MRI in the brain thats it get it done so you wont live in fear anymore and what you explain has nothing to do what your fearing about so dont be scared get it done you will be fine!! God bless and take care!

07-26-2013, 04:32 AM
Go to a neurologist and tell him what you feel and have a MRI in the brain thats it get it done so you wont live in fear anymore and what you explain has nothing to do what your fearing about so dont be scared get it done you will be fine!! God bless and take care!

Okay i will be sure to get that done

07-26-2013, 04:37 AM
Yea get it done u will feel better knowing its nothing wrong its all the anxiety that causes those feelings! Take care n good luck!