View Full Version : Severe attack

07-25-2013, 03:17 PM
For no reason my heart starts fluttering overtime my bp is 163/92 heart rate 108 for no reason I'm scared what should I do I took 3 total of Ativan today

07-25-2013, 03:47 PM
Deep breathes and try and think calm posative thought's oe you will make it worse. .. I sometimes get times like this and its very hard to be calm but you must try x

07-25-2013, 04:03 PM
Deep breathes and try and think calm posative thought's oe you will make it worse. .. I sometimes get times like this and its very hard to be calm but you must try x

Some guy just wrote on another site that one side effect is death . Really ?????????

07-25-2013, 04:05 PM
Some guy just wrote on another site that one side effect is death . Really ?????????

Don't listen to that guy .. You are in no way near death.
Dont feed your fear (anxiety) it will only get worse

07-25-2013, 04:05 PM
ive had palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness and I'm still here

07-25-2013, 04:09 PM
Death from what ? Your heart rate isn't that high and neither is your bp. Your fine. In through the nose. Out through the mouth. Just relax. Are you feeling any pain?

07-25-2013, 04:09 PM
ive had palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness and I'm still here

My heart rate is 110 was 115 with irregular heart beat flashing. WHY DIS THIS HIT ME OUT OF NO WHERE I WAS FINE, calm working minding my own business please help me understand. The doc has said over and over you will not drop dead from a heart attack but this is driving me mad

07-25-2013, 04:11 PM
My heart rate is 110 was 115 with irregular heart beat flashing. WHY DIS THIS HIT ME OUT OF NO WHERE I WAS FINE, calm working minding my own business please help me understand. The doc has said over and over you will not drop dead from a heart attack but this is driving me mad

Now my bp is 132/98 that bottom number is way to high !!!! What can I do?!

07-25-2013, 04:15 PM
My heart rate is 110 was 115 with irregular heart beat flashing. WHY DIS THIS HIT ME OUT OF NO WHERE I WAS FINE, calm working minding my own business please help me understand. The doc has said over and over you will not drop dead from a heart attack but this is driving me mad
I'm just like you.. 22 never been shy or anything, athlete and it hit me out of nowhere . The more you worry the more it'll occur, I know at this point you probably think im crazy by telling you to ignore it but trust me looking up stuff and thinking you have stuff that you dont will only make things worse. Hope you feel better soon:)

07-25-2013, 04:18 PM
I used to do plays an musicals in front of hundreds of people now I have anxiety and panic disorder it's so weird

07-25-2013, 04:41 PM
Hey... Guys, stop focusing on the blood pressure and on the heart rate......( i used to do that too, i know how hard it is not too).. you really can beat this, if you just conqueror the fear.... give it a go....here's my story for what its worth.. good luck. (unfortunately, for some reason i have to have 25 posts to give you some help.... whats that about???? isnt this somewhere to get help_ so i cant post a link to my story which might actually help to get you out of this nightmare)....ok well i doubt ill reach 25.....
The following errors occurred with your submission
An error has occurred dagit! You must have 25 posts in order to post links. Your current post count is 3.

07-25-2013, 04:47 PM
Hey... Guys, stop focusing on the blood pressure and on the heart rate......( i used to do that too, i know how hard it is not too).. you really can beat this, if you just conqueror the fear.... give it a go....here's my story for what its worth.. good luck. (unfortunately, for some reason i have to have 25 posts to give you some help.... whats that about???? isnt this somewhere to get help_ so i cant post a link to my story which might actually help to get you out of this nightmare)....ok well i doubt ill reach 25.....
The following errors occurred with your submission
An error has occurred dagit! You must have 25 posts in order to post links. Your current post count is 3.

I was really enjoying your posts yesterday where did they go I cannot find them. I'm so scared!!!

07-25-2013, 05:38 PM
Please hang in there! I know exactly what you are talking about. I spent last weekend in bed staring at the wall, knowing it wasn't going to kill me, but sure feeling like it was going to. I'm on ativan too, but the doc gave me a 2 week script for something stronger until this passes. It comes out of nowhere, my body goes numb, my mind races, my heart beats fast and I feel like I cant breathe. I know that telling you to hang in there is so cliche but you can beat this! I wish I had some better advice for you as I know your anguish. Try to stay in a routine and don't let it beat you. I'm functioning better the past couple of days but it's still got a grip on me too. Hope you feel much better very soon!

07-25-2013, 05:52 PM
Please help my bp is now 145/103 heart rate 108 it's been climbing for two hours now. I can't go to ER unless its life threatening believe me I've made several trips to ER please help I'm begging

07-25-2013, 05:56 PM
Hang in there! Iv had no sleep for the past two days, and even lorazepam didn't help! I'm awake now, with you, let's try and think positively about the situation.

Anxiety is causing u these horrible physical symptoms which is making your thoughts negative too, same as me! Iv been on the cusp all day but let's get through it together and with others on here.

07-25-2013, 06:10 PM
Hang in there! Iv had no sleep for the past two days, and even lorazepam didn't help! I'm awake now, with you, let's try and think positively about the situation.

Anxiety is causing u these horrible physical symptoms which is making your thoughts negative too, same as me! Iv been on the cusp all day but let's get through it together and with others on here.

Is your blood pressure high what started yours is your pulse high???

07-25-2013, 06:17 PM
You need to really try and face this anxiety, and accept that u will get a fast pulse n high bp as a result of anxiety. If anything, your bodily functions are actually working as they should be, but they are working just that little bit more harder.

Iv been anxious all day, and it's the fear of fear that is keeping it going; as we know. Anxiety commonly leads to rumination of thoughts, and for me, I start fearing all kinds of health conditions! But I felt like this yesterday, and the day before n the day before that, but guess what, I'm still Alive and so are u.

This is how we need to think when feeling horribly anxious.

07-25-2013, 06:28 PM
Can you go for a walk? Sometimes physical exercise helps you get the chemicals moving in the right direction and will let off some of that excess energy.

the website mindfulness-solution.com has some free meditations that you can download -- a focus on breathing which can/should bring your heart rate down.

Can you just quit taking your blood pressure/pulse? The reason it's up is because your fight/flight mechanism has kicked in. It's getting you ready for battle with a tiger, as this is a pretty primal response. You can't control it.

Other things that have helped me:
Sit in a chair and describe my symptoms to myself - my heart is racing. my shoulders are tense and burning, I'm nauseous, my mind is racing. Sometimes just focusing on the symptoms makes them seem less scary and make me able to get through them. It's a way of focusing on the moment, rather than thinking ahead.

Make a list of things you are thankful for. I just had someone do that with me in a meditation session (for my anxiety) and it was great.

Drink some water. Get up and walk around. Call your doctor.

07-25-2013, 06:52 PM
I worry if my blood pressure stays too high over a few hours I will have a heart attack I'm just so scared right now. This has been since 5;00 pm today

07-25-2013, 07:05 PM
Can you see what you said there...?, "I worry" ; it's this very thought that is provided by anxiety that leads us to all kinds of thoughts and worries, which will inevitably lead to high blood pressure n a fast pulse. It's the adrenalin!

Realistically, how many people have died from anxiety, and an increase in bp and pulse over the time frame you are describing...? The answer is 0. I know it's hard to rationalise your thoughts but try and believe what me and the other posters are saying.

Remember, I'm still up and it's 2:00 in the morning, however I won't let my thoughts n bodily sensations get the better of me! You are strong enough to do the same.

07-25-2013, 07:12 PM
The more you check the more worked up you'll get trust me on this

07-25-2013, 07:45 PM
Thanks I'm just afraid if i don't check it before I go to bed it will still be high my husband will not let me check it

07-25-2013, 07:45 PM
I've taken a total of 2 mg Ativan is that safe ???

07-25-2013, 08:00 PM
Hey Blessed, just checking on you. You can do this! Focus on your breathing and try like heck to clear your mind. One thing that I made myself try to get my mind in another direction is to watch a short show on tv. And I'm not a tv watcher at all. I know, it sounds pretty lame doesn't it. But it gave me a short break at least to try to focus on something else. Don't let this consume you. You are stronger than you think right now.

07-25-2013, 08:12 PM
Lay down for 30 minutes. Do not check your bp. Lay down on your left side, close your eyes. Concentrate on something calming to you. Breath in through your nose, out through your mouth. Continue to do this until you start to feel a sense of calm.
You will be fine........just breathe and try to relax......

07-25-2013, 08:33 PM
Please help my bp is now 145/103 heart rate 108 it's been climbing for two hours now. I can't go to ER unless its life threatening believe me I've made several trips to ER please help I'm begging

Just seen all yr msgs..... How u doin ?

A lot ov pple on here ( American I think ) go on bowt BP a lot ... I'm presuming over there most ov u have a monitor to check yrself ?
This cannot be good bcz it builds up yr anxiety , it's one more thing that yr checking .... Get rid ov it , give it to someone ....
You sounded so stressed ... :-(
Really hope u managed to calm yrself down

07-25-2013, 08:36 PM
Deep breathes and try and think calm posative thought's oe you will make it worse. .. I sometimes get times like this and its very hard to be calm but you must try x

Hi , haven't seen u in here lately... How are u ?
( I'm not on here as much )

07-25-2013, 08:56 PM
I too used to take Ativan - - sometimes it helped, sometimes it didnt.

What I have found is the mind over matter trick - - find a quiet spot to sit. Deep breathing (in through nose, out through mouth) and chanting to yourself that you are ok.

My "chant" is "I am fine. In 60 seconds I will feel better" - and I say this over and over. Sometimes I hum my favorite song. Sometimes I pray. As long as I am in a quiet place - somewhere safe that I can focus all my energy into positive thinking - it works. I havent taken an ativan in so long - I havent been on any meds. I still have random, for no reason attacks - - but they are far and few between now and dont last very long.

Also I have found a change in diet - - no caffeine (if youre a caffeine drinker, switch to decaf and take tylenol for your headaches until your body adjusts) - - more fruits and veggies - talk to your doctor. If you have frewquent heart flutters, believe it or not, it could have something to do with stomach acid (I KNOW! CRAZY, HUH?!) - - start taking a zantac everyday. - there are no probs taking a 24/7 antacid with your ativan - - IT HELPS. Start taking a once a day adult vitamin (talk to your doctor about the best ones to be on before you start a daily regiment of vitamins). And maybe take a yoga class or a meditation class - - I did and I have totally learned how to really focus! Its amazing!

Good luck to you my friend. I hope my advice helps you!

07-26-2013, 03:03 AM
I was really enjoying your posts yesterday where did they go I cannot find them. I'm so scared!!!

Hey Blessed.

The post has been moved to a sticky on the very front page. Id attached a link, but it wont let me :(

Hang in there! Try not to focus on every single detail. It will soon pass. You CAN conqueror this! Good luck

07-26-2013, 07:25 AM
Thank you all. It was a rough night and I woke up to the same mortifying tightness in my chest, I know my heart rate and bp is up Im afraid to look. Most anxiety attacks to do not last this long, please tell what the heck is going on. Why wont the pain in my chest go away. I have seen my cardiologist soooo many times and he has assured my after EKG, ECG monitor , Stress Tests, numerours other tests that I am not going to drop dead from a heart attack. But why is this lasting so long. Please what do I do. I cannot go to the ER unless it is life threatening.

07-26-2013, 07:43 AM
Thank you all. It was a rough night and I woke up to the same mortifying tightness in my chest, I know my heart rate and bp is up Im afraid to look. Most anxiety attacks to do not last this long, please tell what the heck is going on. Why wont the pain in my chest go away. I have seen my cardiologist soooo many times and he has assured my after EKG, ECG monitor , Stress Tests, numerours other tests that I am not going to drop dead from a heart attack. But why is this lasting so long. Please what do I do. I cannot go to the ER unless it is life threatening.

Wen I went they a bad patch a few years back I was in a panic attack all day , no sooner as I was starting to calm I went str8 back into another one .. Yes , Ulysses to get tightness / pains etc and had ECG done any everything fine ... It's just anxiety , body tensing up , goin into overdrive wen there is no need for it to

07-26-2013, 08:17 AM
Wen I went they a bad patch a few years back I was in a panic attack all day , no sooner as I was starting to calm I went str8 back into another one .. Yes , Ulysses to get tightness / pains etc and had ECG done any everything fine ... It's just anxiety , body tensing up , goin into overdrive wen there is no need for it to

But can't this constant state of tense and anxiety cause you to have a stroke or heart attack EVEN if your heart has been checked out to be healthy??? This is what I'm so scared of right now. High blood pressure and high heart rate for NO apparent reason?!?!?!

07-26-2013, 08:28 AM
But can't this constant state of tense and anxiety cause you to have a stroke or heart attack EVEN if your heart has been checked out to be healthy??? This is what I'm so scared of right now. High blood pressure and high heart rate for NO apparent reason?!?!?!

No it can't as how many ov us would be seriously ill right now ....

I really dnt think its gd that u guys over there have yr own monitors to check yr blood pressure / heart rate etc ....
Maybe for a person without anxiety would be ok but def not for someone with it !!!!

07-26-2013, 12:34 PM
I agree and my husband had threatened to take it away and even my work place hid it from me . But at this very moment I am so jittery and shaky and I know my heart rate is up I can literally feel my heart vibrating I can't deal with this and continue to be sane

07-26-2013, 12:53 PM
I agree and my husband had threatened to take it away and even my work place hid it from me . But at this very moment I am so jittery and shaky and I know my heart rate is up I can literally feel my heart vibrating I can't deal with this and continue to be sane

Anxiety will make it feel like its beating extra fast ... And the more u worry yr getting yrself worked up ...

Not long ago I was at the shop and suddenly my heart felt like it was racing then suddenly went into my throat and beats fast in my throat and makes me cough... Had it lots ov times but freaks me out as its a horrible feelin ...

07-26-2013, 01:03 PM
It's been two days straight now with not much relief it just really concerns me and now my chest is hurting . I'm sure from the anxiety

07-26-2013, 01:10 PM
Have you had any relief at all doing any of the breathing exercises or relaxation techniques ?
Sorry if you already mentioned this already.....have you already had your thyroid checked?

Also, have you checked your bp recently? How have you been?

07-26-2013, 01:14 PM
Have you had any relief at all doing any of the breathing exercises or relaxation techniques ?
Sorry if you already mentioned this already.....have you already had your thyroid checked?

Also, have you checked your bp recently? How have you been?

The breathing techniques usually work but not this time. My thyroid has been checked twice. And I have checked my bp 6 times today it's still up and my heart rate is in high 90s. I know that doesn't sound high but given the way it's making me feel I am terrified!!!

07-26-2013, 04:54 PM
Your heart is made to withstand changes in bp and in heart rate. It's what allows athletes to sprint to the finish, or us to dash out of the way of an oncoming car. Even if your heart rate/bp are elevated for a few weeks, you'll be fine. People can go years with elevated bp and be fine. You won't have a heart attack from a few hours of elevated bp. That's your anxiety talking.

FWIW, my heart rate is always in the low 90s, and my docs are never concerned. My bp is usually fine.

Have you called your doc? I'm concerned that you need a different med combo and your doctor should really be working with you on whether or not your meds are working. It sounds like you're really struggling right now, and I hope you have someone you can work with to get it under control. I do better on klonopin than ativan - it takes longer to take effect, but it lasts longer. I wonder if a different kind of quick acting med would be better until you can get your long-term anti-anxiety meds to work.

07-26-2013, 05:14 PM
When I went to cardiologist he said my blood pressure meds were fine and my readings were great. I was only takin Ativan 2-3 times a week. Period. Now BOOM all the sudden my bp and heart rate shoots up and I have takin my bp meds plus 6 Ativan in just two days I am just so scared and tired

07-26-2013, 05:58 PM
When I went to cardiologist he said my blood pressure meds were fine and my readings were great. I was only takin Ativan 2-3 times a week. Period. Now BOOM all the sudden my bp and heart rate shoots up and I have takin my bp meds plus 6 Ativan in just two days I am just so scared and tired

Do u have a tablet out there called propanalol ?
Ask yr dctr ... This slows down yr heart rate and helps with anxiety

07-26-2013, 06:37 PM
I so scared to change or try something new. I've had a script if Effexor for two weeks and too afraid to take it

07-26-2013, 06:52 PM
I so scared to change or try something new. I've had a script if Effexor for two weeks and too afraid to take it

If its goin to help its worth a try ( I understand tho ) as u dnt like trying new things as I think they may make me bad , what if I'm allergic to them etc ... Etc ....
We make ourselves so stressed out over nufink

07-26-2013, 07:07 PM
It's just hard for me to accept that such an increase In my bp and heart rate all of Sudden for no reason is anxiety. That's what has me scared

07-26-2013, 07:16 PM
I think you should contact your doctor and provide your bp readings and heart rate results. Tell your doc about your increased anxiety.....maybe they might need to put you on another med.

07-26-2013, 07:27 PM
I think you should contact your doctor and provide your bp readings and heart rate results. Tell your doc about your increased anxiety.....maybe they might need to put you on another med.

That statement terrifies me. I'm afrAid they will say come in and see me. I'm over an hour away. I dunno I just assume the worst. I guess I need to just throw that stupid blood pressure machine away before they send me away. I'm making myself completely crazy

07-26-2013, 07:37 PM
Quit taking your blood pressure for a week.

Get the Effexor XR filled. My doctor told me to start with 37.5 mg for a week and then if I tolerate that, go up to 75 mg. You need something longer acting in your system other than the ativan. My doc is ok with my taking the benzos daily if we've got a plan for getting me stabilized. What's your doctor's plan?

07-26-2013, 07:59 PM
Quit taking your blood pressure for a week.

Get the Effexor XR filled. My doctor told me to start with 37.5 mg for a week and then if I tolerate that, go up to 75 mg. You need something longer acting in your system other than the ativan. My doc is ok with my taking the benzos daily if we've got a plan for getting me stabilized. What's your doctor's plan?

They agreed to let me fix it own my own. How's that working out!? Lol. I'm in a constant state of aaaaahhhhhh!!!!!! On edge 24/7/365. I can't do this anymore

07-26-2013, 08:01 PM
Quit taking your blood pressure for a week.

Get the Effexor XR filled. My doctor told me to start with 37.5 mg for a week and then if I tolerate that, go up to 75 mg. You need something longer acting in your system other than the ativan. My doc is ok with my taking the benzos daily if we've got a plan for getting me stabilized. What's your doctor's plan?

Are u on Effexor now? Any side effects? Any sexual side effects etc

07-26-2013, 08:27 PM
That statement terrifies me. I'm afrAid they will say come in and see me. I'm over an hour away. I dunno I just assume the worst. I guess I need to just throw that stupid blood pressure machine away before they send me away. I'm making myself completely crazy

I'm sorry to scare you....that isn't my intent at all....I'm the same way too....but I think for me, the "not knowing" bothers me even more. It really may be as simple of switching your med. Ive had bp issues in the past and had to switch bp meds twice before finding the one that worked for me. I stayed on it for four yrs and recently was able to get off the bp med completely. At first, I was scared to NOT be on the med. I took my bp a lot. A little too much. Then I limited myself to twice a day....once in the mid morning...one in the evening. Then I went to once a day, once every two days....now I'm down to once a week. Its hard not to take it, at first. Find something to keep you occupied so you don't have time to check it. Pretty soon it gets easier and you don't think about it as much.

07-26-2013, 08:31 PM
Ok thank you. That's my goal to be completely off. But if I keep getting jacked up over nothing all the time that ain't going to happen anytime soon

07-26-2013, 09:33 PM
Are u on Effexor now? Any side effects? Any sexual side effects etc

I can't tell. I'm also tapering off my old meds. I think it made me sleepy for a day. I'm about to increase my dose to something approaching a therapeutic dose, and we'll see after that. I haven't been on it long enough to notice any sexual side effects. The people I've talked to who've been on it say it's better for that than the Paxil I was on.

07-26-2013, 09:41 PM
Now my bp is 132/98 that bottom number is way to high !!!! What can I do?!

Might be time to change your diet. Talk to your doctor - see what kind of daily vitamin is safe for you to take, talk to a nutritionist - OR - there are lots of online suggestions that you can jot down and take to your doctor too. Diet change and exercise has changed my life!! BP elevation can happen when you are overly stressed - - stress is not good for your heart. NOT SAYING YOURE DYING - because youre not. But - you will feel so much better when you take the steps to taking better care of yourself.

07-26-2013, 10:03 PM
Thanks for all the great advice now if I can get it thru my thick skull

07-27-2013, 04:58 AM
Thanks for all the great advice now if I can get it thru my thick skull

Your neurosis concerning your blood pressure has absolutely nothing to do with logic.. with anxiety it is all about "feeling".. If you feel bad, then anxiety is worse, if you feel better, it goes away! So throw out the part of you that "knows you're fine" it doesn't mean anything to you at the moment.. People can tell you you're fine, (and you are fine). but the neurosis will not let it go because you are in a state of anxiety. I've been through panic attacks from a to z.. I can tell you how it works. Something in your life is upsetting you on a big scale.. I don't know what your stress levels are, but anxiety will seize hold when you are not feeling happy about something major in your life.. Are you depressed about a particular situation going on with family/friends/work? What you should do is really think about what it is that's making you so upset, try writing it down in a journal and list all your fears. because this stress is without doubt what is triggering your blood pressure neurosis. and I promise when whatever (current, or prolonged) situation that you're dealing with at the moment goes away, so will the worry about the blood pressure.

07-27-2013, 06:36 AM
Ok thank you. That's my goal to be completely off. But if I keep getting jacked up over nothing all the time that ain't going to happen anytime soon

It takes time....think of it this way. We didn't get this way overnight, it wont be fixed overnight. We just have to take things day by day!