View Full Version : Anyone?

07-25-2013, 12:29 PM
has anyone one heard of kalms or rescue remedy spray / pastilles there not drugs off docs there herbal and there meant to work for anxiety? might give them a try..

07-25-2013, 12:53 PM
has anyone one heard of kalms or rescue remedy spray / pastilles there not drugs off docs there herbal and there meant to work for anxiety? might give them a try..

I tried kalms they are ok for a little bit but they make you sleepy so I wouldn't take them if you had a busy day. I've also tried rescue remedy chewing gum I didn't really find it worked for long about 10mins. They both help with the panic but my anxiety was still there.

There worth a try though everyone's different and there herbal so there better for you. Hope that helps.

07-25-2013, 01:03 PM
Yea id rather try them first. I've been prescribed propanolol but wanna try these out first see if they work. Do they just make u feel calm or anything else? thanks

07-25-2013, 01:15 PM
Clinical trials and efficacy studies have shown that products such as Kalms and St Jons Wort aren't the best in treating anxiety. Many believe it has a positive effect, especially for depression. However, clinical trials have identified that these kind of products are not effective enough in treating moderate to severe levels of anxiety when compared to a placebo/SSRI/therapy

One might be getting the placebo effect that it is working, which means their positive psychological response to something they perceive to be working, is actually working.. That's not to say it might not work for you, as everyone is completely different in their genetic and psychological make-up.

07-25-2013, 01:31 PM
I no what you mean I've been prescribed citrapram but won't take them been trying rescue remedy. Yeah they do make you feel a bit calmer but the anxiety is still there. It helps stop the panic turning in to a full panic attack.

What future bound wrote was right, as that's what my CBT therapist explained to me.

07-27-2013, 03:35 AM
I've got the rescue remedy pastilles so gonna give them a try wen I feel panicky x

07-27-2013, 04:03 AM
I've tried those, let me no if they work for you,