View Full Version : how do break ups affect you?

10-03-2007, 12:52 PM
Hi everyone,

bit of backstory first - i was with this girl for two years, but we went through a really bad patch and ended up splitting up on amicable terms.

we remained friends for around a years afterwards when she found someone else - as soon as she told me i had a panic attack and had to leave work.

For the next few months i suffered terrible depression and could barely leave the house for the fear that i would bump into her.

Obviously i was'nt over her, and may not be fully for a while yet, but what i was wondering was how much of the depression/anxiety was down to my condition?

I mean, breaking up with someone who you love and who still loves you isnt easy for any "normal" person, but i was just wondering wether any of you guys find it harder since developing this condition?

10-03-2007, 04:47 PM
Most unusual for a panic attack to occur because she said she had found someone else. If it were me I may have been hit with a huge wave of jealousy perhaps, which is a different type of emotion. But then again the thought of being alone, the thought that she's found someone and you ain't, maybe the thought that the two of you could start again may have been running through your mind. all these may have triggered the attack. as for the depression well if its the thought of her finding someone else.......then you gotta find someone else yourself, or get new hobbies, interests, whatever it takes, then hopefully she will become a distant memory and you can pack up the meds (if your taking any) and get on with living.

10-03-2007, 09:51 PM
I was with my ex for over 5 years. We broke up a few months ago, the anxiety levels have gone down Alot...

I noticed that the breakup helped me in a lot of way...oddly. The relationshp was good but there was something missing.

10-07-2007, 01:39 AM
yeah i comletely understand that you had a panic attack when you found that out...i dont think its unusual at all. my ex-boyfriend (as of today) used to help bring them on when he did things that would upset me or whatever. today he ended things with me and all my anxiety/stress symptoms are back because of how upset i am

10-07-2007, 10:50 AM
I find that when I break up with someone that my anxiety got worse.

01-31-2008, 03:43 PM
How does your significant other deal with your anxiety? My guy is sick of having to walk on eggshells because he's scared that anything he says will make me burst out into tears. I do this because I'm always on edge. I become so irrational. I don't know how they do it

01-31-2008, 04:37 PM
I have not had one since I got better so I don't know, but I'm hoping to be able to handle them better now :unsure:

02-09-2008, 12:56 AM
i feel like when i get close to someone i get scared that i will lose them and then freak out which makes them hate that and we end up breakin up then i go into a deep depression ... if i do find someone my anxiety is good cuz my mind is busy bout them..but when i break up.. it slike hell

02-09-2008, 12:31 PM
hi guys.. im new here : )

i think it is because having an anxeity disorder is really just another way of saying we are very sensitive and our emotions and thoughts hit us often into these moods.

I can sorta relate because i have just been thru a breakup - altho the guy wasnt my boyfriend - but i thought he was considering we were sleeping together, living together and all..

i had to go thru a big thing of beiong around him talk about otherwomen and ignore me..

My anxiety over him has been excruciating - we are best friends and i have moved back home but i had/ have been so desperate for his attention and love that when i got ignored i would become really hurt and hurt back a little..

The anxiety of thinking you cant go on without being close to someone you know or are in love with i can understand that.

02-09-2008, 08:16 PM
I can certainly relate to what both of you are saying. Like I said I have not been able to test my theory that I will be able to handle it better because i have not gone through a break-up since my cbt group ended. I feel confident that I will handle it better and will be really disappointed if I don't :o

02-14-2008, 11:59 AM
I think i went through a seperation anxiety.. being insecure about myself - scared about the world and all i found love and thought it made for safeness and security..

Seperation anxiety... :roll: :shock: :mrgreen:

02-18-2008, 12:36 AM
ur soooo not alone dw heaps of people go thru the same thing i went out wif a guy 4 2 years n we broke up cuz of his mum and she actually had something similar wen she was younger and i found it unbelievably hard but i am now stronger and independent. just give it time yeah...