View Full Version : Other halfs /partners /hisbands/wife's!!

07-25-2013, 12:26 PM
How do those of you that are in a marriage or relationship find the other one reacts to your problems ?

07-25-2013, 01:11 PM
She is constantly questioning what I want or want to do or what my motivations are. She's very conservative and afraid of change. When there is no change in a positive direction it causes me anxiety, so when I feel stuck I'm willing to make drastic changes to move things in a better direction. I get arguments like I'm just supposed to be happy with how things are, and if I had one second of the day where things are "ok" I'm suppose to be fine putting up with the rest of the day sucking.

I don't know, I get tired of being bitched at for not being happy or worrying to much about something or wanting to change things to make them better.

07-25-2013, 03:34 PM
Unfortunately my fiancé also suffers from anxiety, so he understands. He has worse attacks than me sometimes. He's actually called 911 for an ambulance for himself where I have surprisingly never got to that point. He was doing really well for years but lately he has been having attacks again. He was prescribed propranolol and Ativan. Usually we are able to calm one another down but there have been a couple times lately where he is anxious and then I start to get anxious, which in turn makes him more anxious etc etc