View Full Version : Going Through Divorce

07-24-2013, 09:48 PM
I'm going through a divorce with Jessed03.
It's been really hard on me. A part of me still adores him, but he turned out to be a womanizer. We got married too soon.
All he cares about is himself. Like I cook and clean all day, and he comes home and it's just never enough for him.
Not only that, but he is so judgmental about women in particular. He thinks any bodily function done by a female is just unacceptable.
I feel like I can't be human around him.

Anyway, this divorce is giving me anxiety. It's expensive and Jesse told me if I want this divorce, I will have to finance almost all of it.
What a jerk, right?

Oh yeah, and another thing...he calls his cat an 'it'...not a he or a she...not by a name...'it'...
Serial killer much?

07-25-2013, 07:55 AM
Beware of anyone who is mean to animals. It says a lot about their character. Where do you live? There are laws regarding who pays for a divorce so that's not for him to decide. My mom just got a divorce after 31 years of marriage. I won't lie, it's a rough road. But you will come out clean and happy on the other side. If he acts like you say he does, this will be the best decision you ever made. You may not see it now or in the near future, but there will be a day when you feel the weight off your shoulders. Congratulations!!!

07-25-2013, 10:00 AM
That guy turned out to be a complete dick. I can't believe I idolized and based my life upon him so much.

You're best off well away from him.

07-26-2013, 09:58 AM
Janey, threads like this are the reason people start rumours saying that you're in love with me. xD