View Full Version : Does anyone get pains in their left arm

07-24-2013, 09:42 PM
I want to know if you guys get sharp pains in your left arms because lately I been getting them and I'm freaking out I'm suffer from anxiety really really bad !!!

07-24-2013, 10:29 PM
I've been battling anxiety for 6 years now, with and without medicine. Anxiety can cause you pain, anywhere in the body. If you concentrate on that it will only get worse. Anxiety has so many symptoms it crazy. When is the last time you had a checkup?

07-24-2013, 10:42 PM
I when to get a check up but for my stomach like 2 months ago because it starting hurting and I got super scare... But I been having anxiety for 2 years never has my heart check that's what freaks me out and I don't have insurance to do all of that but I might just go this week maybe I would feel better knowing i don't have heart problems ... Do you still get them ?

07-24-2013, 10:48 PM
I go in once a year and have a physical, blood work and everything and that helps me tremendously with my anxiety. Unless you've been diagnosed with a condition earlier in life with heart problems i highly doubt you have one. It would probably be better for you to get it checked out since your anxious about it or it going to keep eating at you. My anxiety makes me go numb and tingly on the back of my neck and chin and down to my chin. It's the weirdest thing but as i soon as i get a grip and realize that its anxiety it goes away. I know not having insurance is a pain, but in my option i would spend the money and have a check up because its on your mind, and therefore probably not going to stop reminding you of it.

07-24-2013, 10:57 PM
Sharp pains in arm doesn't symbolize heart pain..heart pain associated with your arm is dull and nagging... Numbness and weakness too...

07-24-2013, 11:00 PM
You right .. My anxiety got bad when I started drinking alot

07-24-2013, 11:01 PM
Sharp pains in arm doesn't symbolize heart pain..heart pain associated with your arm is dull and nagging... Numbness and weakness too...

But is stil scary!!

07-24-2013, 11:02 PM
I go in once a year and have a physical, blood work and everything and that helps me tremendously with my anxiety. Unless you've been diagnosed with a condition earlier in life with heart problems i highly doubt you have one. It would probably be better for you to get it checked out since your anxious about it or it going to keep eating at you. My anxiety makes me go numb and tingly on the back of my neck and chin and down to my chin. It's the weirdest thing but as i soon as i get a grip and realize that its anxiety it goes away. I know not having insurance is a pain, but in my option i would spend the money and have a check up because its on your mind, and therefore probably not going to stop reminding you of it.

I tell my self is my mind playing tricks on me but is really hard I get this weird feeling where I can't sleep because I'm goig to die

07-24-2013, 11:08 PM
Probably 2 or 3 nights i dont sleep due to anxiety. Like tonight, I drank earlier, and once i stop drinking i can't sleep. I already feel hungover and only had 6 beers. It's all anxiety, for instance i just tried to burp but i couldn't get any air to go through and i freaked out for a brief moment. It's just anxiety doing what it does best. Since I've cut back on my drinking it has helped alot. Hangover cause me to have more anxiety than anything.

07-24-2013, 11:14 PM
Probably 2 or 3 nights i dont sleep due to anxiety. Like tonight, I drank earlier, and once i stop drinking i can't sleep. I already feel hungover and only had 6 beers. It's all anxiety, for instance i just tried to burp but i couldn't get any air to go through and i freaked out for a brief moment. It's just anxiety doing what it does best. Since I've cut back on my drinking it has helped alot. Hangover cause me to have more anxiety than anything.

Same here !!!!!! When I drink I need to get drunk!! Or else I can't sleep ima be freaking out !!! ... But the next day is like he'll !! Anxiety is a bitch when I have a hangover I though it was only for me .. Idk for u .. But for me last Sunday I had a hangover and my hand started to feel numb then it felt like that ticketing feeling !! And man I was freaking out I thought that was it for me !

07-24-2013, 11:24 PM
Yep. That's hangover anxiety, and even though its only been a couple i can feel the symptoms. I will have a sleepless night. I feel like my body parts are on wrong, i guess a good word is discombobulated feeling. If i can make it through tonight, which i know I can and will, tomorrow should be easier for me m

07-24-2013, 11:28 PM
Yep. That's hangover anxiety, and even though its only been a couple i can feel the symptoms. I will have a sleepless night. I feel like my body parts are on wrong, i guess a good word is discombobulated feeling. If i can make it through tonight, which i know I can and will, tomorrow should be easier for me m

Yea I feel you I understand but I just want to wake up and hope this shit goes away!

07-25-2013, 01:04 AM
Yes I been having left arm pain.. Freaks me out because I feel I have heart problems :/

07-25-2013, 02:04 AM
Probably 2 or 3 nights i dont sleep due to anxiety. Like tonight, I drank earlier, and once i stop drinking i can't sleep. I already feel hungover and only had 6 beers. It's all anxiety, for instance i just tried to burp but i couldn't get any air to go through and i freaked out for a brief moment. It's just anxiety doing what it does best. Since I've cut back on my drinking it has helped alot. Hangover cause me to have more anxiety than anything.

I thought I was the only one that freaks out when they can't burp!! Lol but if I can't I freak.

I have been getting left arm pain since 2011... Both sharp and aching and when I'm having a panic attack both my arms tighten up just like a Charlie horse then the next day the muscles in my arms are so sore it's unbelievable from the muscles tightening up so bad.