View Full Version : New symptom

07-24-2013, 09:08 PM
Hello all,

As I posted in the welcome page as well, my name is Nicole and I'm from Greece currently living in Germany. I started having panic attacks and health anxiety about a month and a half ago and been through many symptoms like difficulty breathing, chest pain/pressure/tightness, pins and needles in upper body and arms, strap around ribs, upper back pain, pressure on head, you name it!
Now I sort of have my emotional symptoms under control after my last panic attack almost two weeks ago but now I have a new symptom. It's this wheezing/tightness in my trachea area, not my lungs though, they feel clear. My inhaler isn't helping, but my nose is also stuffy so it might be allergic but my mind is starting to think the worst again.
Any ideas/similar experience? Thank you!

07-24-2013, 09:39 PM
Kinda of an asthma type feeling? I think the air is aways bad, but it could be your muscles tensing up a little :-)

07-25-2013, 01:03 AM
Sort of like that, only it doesn't feel like it's in my lungs, more like my windpipe is closing up! Lately I've also felt the need to swallow more often so maybe it's related. Woke up a bit better today, I hope it stays like this during the day :)

10-16-2013, 10:44 AM
Have you by chance been checked for a thyroid disorder? These can actually cause anxiety because of the changes in hormones.