View Full Version : Where does this crap come from?

07-24-2013, 09:53 AM
How is it that in our modern age so many people are experiencing anxiety disorders? Where does this crap come from? We know how diabetes develops and cancer and heart disease. But what is causing our brains to malfunction to the extent that we develop anxiety issues? I would love to do a brain scan and see what is going on and where.

07-24-2013, 10:43 AM
Stress due to fast changing world. Sedentary lifestyles.

07-24-2013, 10:46 AM
Stress due to fast changing world. Sedentary lifestyles.

I agree, society with a lot of rude people and quick change. Everybody cares about themselves . Well not everybody . Good answer . It's almost normal to have anxiety, if you have wisdom. :-)

07-24-2013, 11:24 AM
Things have changed. Way back when my mom and dad were kids, nutrition was different... Alot of peoples anxiety has to do with dietary and lifestyle changes.. I mean who wants to give up pizza and Mc Donald's?. Another thing to point out is the water source. In the stone age 96% of Americans drank purified spring water... They didn't have all these things water has in it now.. Some things in water now, deplete your magnesium intake absorbed by your belly before it's able to be digested into your body. All the additives, sodas, artificial sweeteners.. Especially aspartame which can cause high blood pressure and which leads rapid heart rate causing people to be alot more anxious. Diet sodas have alot of this aspartame in it. I believe we first have to start with better eating habits and most def i am a huge fan of reading labels.. :) :) :)

07-24-2013, 12:44 PM
Things have changed. Way back when my mom and dad were kids, nutrition was different... Alot of peoples anxiety has to do with dietary and lifestyle changes.. I mean who wants to give up pizza and Mc Donald's?. Another thing to point out is the water source. In the stone age 96% of Americans drank purified spring water... They didn't have all these things water has in it now.. Some things in water now, deplete your magnesium intake absorbed by your belly before it's able to be digested into your body. All the additives, sodas, artificial sweeteners.. Especially aspartame which can cause high blood pressure and which leads rapid heart rate causing people to be alot more anxious. Diet sodas have alot of this aspartame in it. I believe we first have to start with better eating habits and most def i am a huge fan of reading labels.. :) :) :)

I agree. I honestly believe it's all the crap they put in our foods now. We have to contend with pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, additives, etc. Perhaps going organic and vegan is the answer. We have to get this crap out of our bodies.

07-24-2013, 12:59 PM
Plain and simple.. Its toxic