View Full Version : vigorus heart beat ne1?

mr panic man
10-03-2007, 09:06 AM
:twisted: vigorus heart beat ne1 ? hello i have sufferd from anxiety for about 9 10 weeks now so im sort of new to it compared to others but i have had every single symptom in the book n have bin threw the same strees as the rest of us even feeling suicidal neways back to the subject i have over cum most of the symptoms since i lernt that i was suffufing from anxiety not a heart condition as i first thorght but the 1 that jus wont seem to go is the vigorus heart beat the only time i cnt feel my heart is if im walkin or doin sumthing i can feel it beat in every position i try n lie in bed if i loook i can c it beat threw my shirt i can even feel it if i jus stand still n its drivng me crazy is ne1 elese goin threw this?

10-05-2007, 03:42 PM
Hello and welcome, mr panic man. Try not to worry about your fast heart beat. It is very common amongst anxiety sufferers.

You have done extremely well to overcome most of your feelings of anxiety in such a short time, I feel sure now that you have accepted it is anxiety and not your heart, you will soon overcome everything else.

Just keep thinking positively.

10-06-2007, 06:54 AM
Daisy hit the nail on the head. As much as i hate to regurgitate someone else's post, i want to emphasize her last statement.

You must think positively.

You must FORCE your brain to believe and have faith that your anxiety will go away. Your symptoms are totally normal for someone with excessive anxiety. The speedy, pounding heartbeat etc. When i would have panic attacks i used to think my heart would explode. Accept the fact that it is all triggered by the thoughts in your head and nothing will happen to you. You're going to be OK. And we'll all be here for you until you get there.
