View Full Version : Stomach pains please help!!

07-24-2013, 08:52 AM
Still having stomach pains pretty much all over especially right side and on center below rib cage. I wake up extremely nauseous every morning and feel some better once I eat. My anxiety is at an all time high And my doc put me back on nexium for my stomach. Any advise please help!!!

07-26-2013, 02:56 AM
are you eating probiotics?
You should :) If you don't have the cash for the pills (which are sooo expensive), you should eat kimchee and yoghurt (they both contain smaller amounts of probiotics). And then you should try standing in a doorway and placing your hand on the dorrway and then walk away from it with your are stretched -do it with one arm at a time (does that make sense? :-S). the stretch will get to the muscles that tense up your diaphragm , which is in the centre of your abdomen.
I know its just stupid small advice, but that's all I can think
feel better soon!

07-26-2013, 06:19 AM
im having an awful tome with my tum just now i just started cymbalta i take two at night but my tum has got worse since stepping them up they also give me bad heart flutters and irregular beat it keeps me awake at night am fed up with the aches and pains 😢

07-26-2013, 05:04 PM
What meds are you on? Sometimes as you get used to a new SSRI/SNRI, it can affect your stomach and GI tract.

I also know that when my anxiety is sky high, I get stomach cramps. Sometimes I keep a bit of food by my bedside to eat when I wake up. It helps a lot.

07-26-2013, 08:09 PM
What meds are you on? Sometimes as you get used to a new SSRI/SNRI, it can affect your stomach and GI tract.

I also know that when my anxiety is sky high, I get stomach cramps. Sometimes I keep a bit of food by my bedside to eat when I wake up. It helps a lot.

My anxiety is through the roof I'm sure this is the culprit but how do you STOP thinking ????

07-26-2013, 08:18 PM
I just thought of something. What state are you in? Not to scare anyone with health anxiety, but have you heard about the stomach bug that's circulating? You said you haven't been feeling well for the past few weeks with stomach discomfort. ......I don't know......maybe? Not to be delving into the tmi region, but have you had diarrhea along with all your other symptoms?

07-26-2013, 09:32 PM
My anxiety is through the roof I'm sure this is the culprit but how do you STOP thinking ????

I don't know. Sometimes listening to a meditation tape helps me. Often, going for a walk helps me. Sometimes, I need to take medication to calm me down. Sometimes I call a friend or a family member. If I had the magic potion, I'd market it and make a million!

07-27-2013, 01:44 AM
Been seeing a new therapist and psychologist and they call the viscous thinking circle ruminating. I used to think I was offloading to people and it was good, but now I know that it just makes me ruminate and spiral out of control so can make me worse not better and I can't get out of the bad circle.
They have been trying to teach me how to stop the rumination and bad circle so i don't get suicidal.
I am not able to stop it at moment, but it has definitely helped being able to recognise what doing.