View Full Version : Is this anxiety?

07-24-2013, 05:14 AM
Helo. I am a 17 years old male and lately i've lost all my hapiness. I am never in the mood for anything, i used to go to the gym but now i don't see a purpose. It started two weeks ago,i dont know what started it. I feel hopeless and lonely because i spend my day inside, browsing the internet and i get sad and sometimes i get panic attacks when i see people checking-in on Facebook. I feel like i will never get a girlfriend like this, i tried going out with a friend and she introduced me to new people but i don't feel good doing that. I love spending time with my friends but that case is rare. When i meet new people i have the feeling they don't like me.

Even if i go to the gym, i don't feel right because i don't talk to anybody...and if i talk to someone on facebook or a chat,i don't feel good because we are not face to face. And that makes me feel lonely.

Two weeks ago i was happy, didn't care that people was having fun outside and i was spending my time inside playing games/watching tv...but now it seems i hate to play games, and it makes me feel depressed, not because i don't like them but just because i have this feeling that i'm sick of being alone. Mostly i play online games and chat with people, but i feel alone (again,because we are not face to face)
A strange thing is that this bad mood stops at around 24 o'clock. After that, i feel confortable doing what i am doing. I think that is because i have this feeling people are inside, on their computers too.

My classmates said i am quiet and don't speak too much...i will try to speak more when the semester starts, maybe i will get more friends :)

Thank you for reading my story and sorry for any writing mistakes, english is not my primary language :) .Any tips how can i overcome this shitty mood and getting back to the normal me?

07-24-2013, 05:53 AM
I don't think it's anxiety as you haven't mentioned any symptoms. maybe you're just feeling abit down. x

07-24-2013, 06:02 AM
Sounds like a bit of depression, if yoy ask me. If you find you can't snap out of it, you may want to see a doc.

Dave G
07-24-2013, 06:24 AM
Hey buddy, I think I can relate. I am 25, so I can remember well being 17. It was my teen years that really messed me up, actually. It's a popularity contest at that point in your life. Everyone is concerned with what other people are wearing, what they do after school, who they are dating, etc. Personally, I think it's a normal part of life and people just deal with it in different ways. My technique was to try to get in with the "popular crowd", because that's what I valued the most at that time. In retrospect, I would have focused more on the quality of friends I kept, because just 7 years later I hardly talk to any of my "best friends" from high school. Regardless, I set my goal and ended up spending my high school years with the crowd that I had hoped for. (If you check out my threads, you can see my whole story that gets more detailed on this. Could be helpful?)

So what I see from your story is that you are wanting acceptance, which is where I was. It sounds like you've had opportunities, but felt uncomfortable - which is okay. I get uncomfortable in unfamiliar scenarios all the time, but if I'm with people I know I'm fine! You mention feeling fine once everyone is inside and in the same situation as you, but I just want to warn you that those days will be coming to an end. The older you get, the later you stay out. I don't really know what advice to give you other than keeping in mind that this is not abnormal, and you have people here to talk with. Some may disagree, but I think you need to sit down and really examine what your goal is at this point in life, and make yourself a map of how to get there. One step at a time. Feel free to message me if you'd like to chat, and I wish you the best!