10-01-2007, 08:06 PM
Heres my story in a nutshell:

In Dec of 2006 for a week or so I was having chest pains here or there and then my head started doing this weird thing where I felt like I was gonna pass out it was like a out of body experience. Finally one night I felt like my face was going numb and like I was talking funny. I fell asleep and woke up fine. That day though I went back to feel sick weak and feeling like like a doom feeling and also a heaviness in my chest.

My husband took me to the ER and I was diagnosed with a UTI where they gave me antibiotics and also valium for anxiety.

Fast forward to about 3 months after this all of a sudden I start feeling sick again , heaviness in my chest pain in my arms just plain weak and lots of crying spells. Well I go to my dr and he thinks I have that chest muscular wall thing called colondrastitus or something like that and gives me naproxen and malox. That same evening I still wasnt feeling better and actually felt worse so I went to the ER and they did chest xrays ekgs and some kind of blood enzyme test and the dr said I am perfectly normal and my heart is healthy. Just add I have had several ekg's and there all fine. This time he puts me on ativan and protoxin which is something for the stomach,

Well now my husband has left for Iraq and for a while I was doing ok and then I start feeling sick and having bad anxiety. Honestly I cant say this anxiety comes from him being over there because his jobs is pretty safe , so I try not to worry about that . But now I am suffering from severe crying, I feel depressed and can barely make dinner or clean. I have constant pain in my left arm and should and all over my back and just feel weak. I worry alot about my health and something happening to me , I worry about every little thing. Crowds bother me, I cant be around to many people at once. Im just scared I want to know im not dying but why do I feel so weak sometimes. It is possible for anxiety to last for days like this, oh and this very last drs visit I got put on Xanax.

The funny thing is when I actually do get up and go out the house I am ok and feel fine.

Im scared please help?

10-02-2007, 01:42 PM
Sounds like that would make anyone anxious, don't be so hard on yourself.

I you feel better staying busy, stay busy, but realize it's ok to be anxious at times too.

Have you ever tried any self care for anxiety, any books or programs?o

V for Victor
10-02-2007, 04:34 PM
Basically, it sounds a bit like Generalized Anxiety Disorder, accompanied by a fear of crowds. (Agoraphobia, I believe it's called.)

I have a similar situation, where I'll be nervous about going out, but once I get there, I'm fine.

There are numerous ways to treat and deal with anxiety. I say that the best way to fight it is to learn about it. Do some reading on anxiety (particularly types of anxiety that match what you feel, such as the fear of crowds.) When you start to understand what anxiety is and how it actually works, you'll be better able to fight it off. When you learn to fight it off, you are put into control.

There is an array of medications out there, as you've probably found out. Keep in mind that not all medications work the same, and what works for one person may not work for the next. Don't get depressed if the meds you're on right now don't do anything for you. I know some people who had to switch between several types before they found the one that worked for them. Also remember that it can take up to one or two weeks for the effects of a medication to kick in.

Also, there's therapy. I'm not just referring to a psychiatrist, but to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and such. This allows you to actually re-wire your brain over time to respond differently to the things that trigger anxiety.

If you're just now coming face to face with anxiety, it is frightening and depressing. Believe me, I know. I've had anxiety/depression for five years, but I've learned to deal with it. You can too. :)

This forum is a great place to talk about anxiety, and I wish it had been around when I first started having anxiety.

It'll be okay. :)

10-05-2007, 05:50 AM
I agree with RichB.

That situation is tough for anyone. Him just being away puts you out of place. Everyone needs a touchstone and i'm sure that's what he is for you. Your anxiety although frustrating to you i'm sure, comes from a source. There IS a reason for your anxiety. And you're lucky. Because where there is a root cause, there is a root solution.
