View Full Version : Fibromyalgia....anyone have it?

07-23-2013, 03:44 PM
Hi I was just wondering if anyone here has been diagnosed with this and if so, what are your symptoms? My mom thinks I have it, but I'm not sure. I'm scared I have something more sinister like MS or ALS.
I have pain down my left side, starting from the neck all the way to the hip. Now I've started getting these shooting pains in my shoulders. I go to a chiro and masseuse. My doc could care less. I'm at my wits end with all this pain in my body :'(

07-23-2013, 05:03 PM
Ive never heard of this before. Perhaps seek another doctor or even emergency room?

07-23-2013, 05:41 PM
Fibromyalgia is one of those things that doctors seem to have a hard time diagnosing. If you aren't happy with your primary physician, then request a second opinion. Its definitely your choice.
I just saw an episode on this on the Dr Oz show today.

07-24-2013, 01:20 AM
Go get a second opinion. That's what it took for me. Some docs don't "believe" in Fibro so find one who already treats patients for it and you'll be a step ahead. Then have a list of your symptoms and where and for how long you've had the symptoms and anything else that's been bothering you. There are all kinds off other ailments linked to Fibro that I'd been having for years while I was in the military that I didn't even know we're all part of a bigger problem: Fibromyalgia. Imagine my surprise when it all made sense in the end. Feel free to pick my brain, if you wish, with questions.

07-24-2013, 01:28 AM
Hi I was just wondering if anyone here has been diagnosed with this and if so, what are your symptoms? My mom thinks I have it, but I'm not sure. I'm scared I have something more sinister like MS or ALS.
I have pain down my left side, starting from the neck all the way to the hip. Now I've started getting these shooting pains in my shoulders. I go to a chiro and masseuse. My doc could care less. I'm at my wits end with all this pain in my body :'(

I have the exact sane symptoms. Left side pain from my head to my toes.its on and off and usually just get it like 2-3 times a month but they last like for a whole week. I also get left side weakness with it. I also I'm sacred I might have MS. I never been to the doctors for this so who knows what it can be. my friends and family tell me it's my anxiety. but at times is hard to believe.

07-24-2013, 12:51 PM
Hi I was just wondering if anyone here has been diagnosed with this and if so, what are your symptoms? My mom thinks I have it, but I'm not sure. I'm scared I have something more sinister like MS or ALS.
I have pain down my left side, starting from the neck all the way to the hip. Now I've started getting these shooting pains in my shoulders. I go to a chiro and masseuse. My doc could care less. I'm at my wits end with all this pain in my body :'(

I was told by a ER doctor that I could have this because im always aching, when I went to see my GP she coukdnt have cared less its because they have to rule out everything else first before they can refer you to a specialist to.see if they think.ypu have it . Basically there are about 11 pain points for fibromyalgia and you have to have around 9 of them to be diagnosed with it. I know its annoying waiting for a final answer especially if you suffer from anxiety but just keep doing what your doing practice your breathing and make some life changes, e.g. eat foods good for anxiety, do something you enjoy more often e.g. shopping, painting . And look at the brighter things in life and things will start to get better x

07-24-2013, 01:04 PM
Thank you everyone. I go to a military clinic, so really I've had 5 different a opinions because I see a different doc every time. They could care less. I am currently in the process of trying to get a civilian doctor. I feel a little better, but still have some aching and pain in my shoulder and around my breast area. It's just annoying!!