10-01-2007, 08:41 AM
my anxiety feels like weird blood pressure, going all the way to my top of brain & back down again, does yours feel like that? :ack:

V for Victor
10-01-2007, 04:01 PM
Mine often starts with my stomach knotting up, and my breathing becoming shallow. I also experience a tingling "burning" sensation on my shoulders and back.

If the attack lasts long enough, I get weak and shaky.

No matter how you look at it or what your anxiety feels like, it's always unpleasant.

10-05-2007, 05:47 AM
Mine has never been quite so uniform. It can come in the form of the following:

-stomach pain (like burning)
-unjustified fear or panic
-heart palpitations
-sweaty palms
-irritation and anger
-dry mouth

i could go on for days. luckily i've been able to have a lot more control over my anxiety these days. So most of the symptoms above are no longer factors for me. But i know the pain of anxiety when it comes out in physical manifestations.


10-07-2007, 08:50 PM
Mine usually feels like I'm about the throw up and/or my throat is closing up.

10-08-2007, 12:20 AM
My specialty symptom is nausea, followed by hyperventilating, weakness....all physical. Sometimes you don't even feel anxious, but your body says, "oh yes you are, and we're going for a ride whether you like it or not."

10-14-2007, 08:20 PM
Mine is mostly mental. I'm pretty good at not showing anything on the outside, even if I'm freaking out on the inside.


I feel trapped. Imagine your life if you moving in a straight line. I feel like I've got something clinging onto my back, weighing me down. The thing is it feels like it weighs just enough that I can still slowly, just barely keep moving forward, but it's so heavy with every step I just want to give up. And if I give up I'll be pulled backward into a life of misery.

Of course I'd like to keep moving forward, but sometimes the strength it takes just to sustain the effort makes me want to give up entirely, if only to feel like I haven't stopped.


When my Social Anxiety manifests itself physically, which is rare, it usually makes me feel like I'm sick. My eyes cloud over slightly, my skin feels cold and becomes even more pale than it already is. My whole body shakes and trembles slightly. The only thing that helps at that points is immediate alone time in a cold place. The colder the better. Being cold helps be feel better, stops the feeling of being sick, but the whole thing takes a lot out of me and I feel really tired afterward.