View Full Version : Haven't told my ill fiance I have an anxiety disorder

07-22-2013, 02:03 PM
So, I've been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder - this happened about 3 weeks ago. I had counselling and CBT 2 years ago after feeling depressed and having somewhat disturbing dreams connected with my childhood. This time though, I've had anxiety that has been getting steadily worse for the past year at least until I got to the point where the people around me were asking if there was something wrong, so went back to the doctor. He referred me for a test type thing to see what would be the best course of action and what the problem was, this was when I found out I actually had an anxiety disorder.

I've brushed over it with my fiance, who is generally pretty understanding about these things (we live with his older brother who has bipolar disorder) but didn't exactly seem happy that I was going back to the counsellor to sort myself out, even though he had commented on my moods and things and realised that they were getting worse. I figured it was just because last time I didn't find the CBT very helpful, but even so his reaction put me off telling him the full story of my diagnosis. He knows I'm having intensive CBT (my first session is on Wednesday).

Anyway, at the moment he's struggling with an abscess due to ongoing problems with throat infections and stress with work. I'm absolutely paranoid and feel physically ill, my emotions are all over the place and I feel useless because there is literally nothing I can do at the moment and his mum keeps telling me what medication I should/shouldn't be giving him, even though I was there when the doctor was sorting out his prescriptions (she loves to mollycoddle him!). He can't support me at the moment and I haven't told the rest of the family about my diagnosis either. His parents act a bit like things like this are nothing compared to what their son (with bipolar) is going through. I get on incredibly well with my brother in law but he's on holiday at the moment so haven't got him to talk to.

I don't feel like I can tell my fiance now, while he's struggling, but does anyone have any tips on how to tell him when he's better? Also any coping tips for people with anxiety whose partners are ill would be very appreciated.