View Full Version : Misunderstood...having a breakdown

07-22-2013, 11:15 AM
So past few days/weeks haven't been happy with my life. I turned 20 last week and wasn't excited at all idk why. All I do is go to work and do school which is extremely stressful! I'm taking 2 online classes! When I go to work I'm happy, but when I'm home I feel unhappy!
I feel misunderstood at home! I'm always getting yelled out by my grandmother whom I've lived with since my mom has been out the picture. All my grandma does is yell, complain, and nag at me all day when I'm home. Over how I never do anything or pay for anything! I mean I don't have time school and work consume my time and I also like hanging out with my friends!
And when I tell her I'm doing hw she seems to not care she always gives me evil looks and picks arguments with me! I try to not back talk, but it's hard...cause she can say some hurtful stuff! She gets made when I don't speak to her, which I don't because she always looking at me all evil!
Oh, and my brother(her favorite) doesn't make it any better because they always talk about me to eachother about how I'm "spelly". I mean when I'm attempting to do my hw and he is picking with me, and I get mad, to them I'm being "spelly"!
I just can't take it here anymore! I feel misunderstood, if only they really "knew" me here!
I leave next month transferring to a school 4 hrs away! I can't wait! I feel depressed, misunderstood, and unwanted here!!
Sorry for the long vent!