View Full Version : Weird Feeling - Feels like pulse is racing but it's actually totally normal

07-22-2013, 11:05 AM
Not having the best of days today. I was off work for most of last week because I was feeling very light headed. This feeling passed over the weekend and so today I went back to work only for the lightheadednes to return.

I think this is partly due to stress and anxiety over a forthcoming stressful event - see other thread (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?19473-About-to-enter-a-new-anxious-period-of-my-life-and-full-of-trepidation) and partly the heat which feels almost suffocating. I keep feeling as though my heart is beating fast and more strongly but when I've actually checked my pulse it's actually completely normal, even slightly lower than normal. The only thing I can think is that this is actually adrenaline caused by the fight or flight response but wouldn't that cause my pulse to increase too?

Why does anxiety have to spoil everything, can't even enjoy the sun!!

07-22-2013, 11:42 AM
Mine does this especially when I'm in bed about to dose off. My heart pounds like a drum pulsating really hard thru my body and feel like its going super fast. Sometimes it's slightly fast but sometimes it's normal. It wakes me up and scares me to no end. Then the heart palps start up

07-22-2013, 08:11 PM
Here too! That's a good way to describe it, too...I haven't been able to describe it to anyone well. It feels like my heart is racing and beating harder than it should be...or its jumpier, or whatever...but when I actually check my pulse it's completely normal and even. Like Blessed said, I get the feeling a lot when I'm about to fall asleep...or I'll be dozing off and it will wake me up and startle me enough to make me feel anxious and not be able to relax again.

07-22-2013, 09:23 PM
I get this too! Usually randomly. My heart just feels like its beating hard, not necessarily fast.

07-22-2013, 09:57 PM
I hate that feeling :/

08-08-2013, 03:07 PM
Not having the best of days today. I was off work for most of last week because I was feeling very light headed. This feeling passed over the weekend and so today I went back to work only for the lightheadednes to return.

I think this is partly due to stress and anxiety over a forthcoming stressful event - see other thread (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?19473-About-to-enter-a-new-anxious-period-of-my-life-and-full-of-trepidation) and partly the heat which feels almost suffocating. I keep feeling as though my heart is beating fast and more strongly but when I've actually checked my pulse it's actually completely normal, even slightly lower than normal. The only thing I can think is that this is actually adrenaline caused by the fight or flight response but wouldn't that cause my pulse to increase too?

Why does anxiety have to spoil everything, can't even enjoy the sun!!

Do you work in an office? I do with no windows and I get this feeling all the time. I went to the doctors for it and tried describing its like a cross between vertigo, light headed, off balance, I had my blood pressure done sitting and standing and it was normal. So I am left wondering if in fact it's from being in a darker office with no windows and staring at a computer screen?! Also intense anxiety doesn't help the situation :(

08-08-2013, 03:57 PM
Yes I get this too... Suddenly , no reason and sometimes it rushes up to my throat and beats there which is really not nice and makes me cough and go lightheaded ...

I also do get the " off - balance " feeling .... That's horrible to have .. I went a few weeks having it whilst a wrk and the more I worried the more I noticed it and the worse it became

08-09-2013, 12:38 AM
I get it, too. Before my attacks started, I kept saying to my wife, do you feel that? Feels like the floor is shaking. And she'd look at me like I was crazy. Well, actually I was crazy! Lol! It was my nerves. Whenever you feel like that, start shaking a leg or make a fist repeatedly. It helps to burn off those stress hormones.

08-09-2013, 01:32 AM
Yup I get this when in bed trying to sleep

08-09-2013, 01:57 AM
I've been taking my pulse repeatedly tonight. Not because I'm scared but because I have made my pulse an object of anxiety, and I am trying to do exposure therapy with it and stop being worried about it. It's been 104, 92, 88 and 84. Need to work on my stomach phobias, too.