View Full Version : About to enter a new anxious period of my life and full of trepidation

07-22-2013, 07:42 AM
I'm in a bit of a state at the moment and don't know how best to cope. I can't really think straight at the moment so apologies in advance if the following is a bit rambling.

I've suffered with anxiety pretty much all my life but really it has only become severe in the past 15 years with the last 5 being the most prolonged period. My anxiety revolves mostly around my health but I also have real difficulty in dealing with situations of conflict i.e. arguments, standing up for a point of view etc. On top of this my wife and I after 8 years of trying were told that we could not have children and this really rocked our world and brought up a whole load of childhood traumas which massively increased my anxiety levels.

As part of our recovery my wife and I decided that after putting our life on hold for 8 years whilst we went through fertility treatments we would try new things and new experiences and try to get our life back. The first thing we tried was archery and we both absolutely loved it and joined a club where we have made some great new friends and it has really helped us both come to terms with things and it has also helped me with my anxiety as it's relaxing but also absorbing so it completely takes your mind of your worries.

The trouble is there is someone involved with the running of the club who is causing us and lots of others real problems and threatening to have us kicked out of the club, having the club closed down or suspended, pursuing the club and individuals legally. Now I should point out that everybody else at the club thinks this guy is out of order and in the wrong and we can pretty much prove that all the things he's accusing everyone of has no basis in truth whatsover. The trouble is to prove this we would have to confront him and potentially fight him legally through the courts.

Apart from the fact that we can't afford to do this, this is really playing havock with my anxiety as every time I receive an e-mail from him or hear about things he is doing my heart feels like it's going to burst out of my chest, I feel lightheaded etc etc. The obvious thing would be to leave the club but that causes me anxiety because the club means a lot to us after everything we've been through and we don't want to loose the network of friends we've made through the club either. So basically I feel like I'm trapped between anxiety if we leave the club and anxiety if we stay and fight it out. I want to have the strength to do the latter but either way I know that we are about to enter quite possibly many months of stress and anxiety and that prospect I also find stressful and makes me feel anxious.

I don't really know what I'm asking for here, I guess for advice on how to cope, how to not get overwhelmed by it all and how not to slip back to the bottom of the anxiety mountain.