View Full Version : Severe Nausea

09-29-2007, 08:28 AM
I have had severe nausea for several weeks. It does not seem to be in my stomach but in my head - like sick head. SO bad I can't function and the nausea medications make me weird!

Doctor says it is jut another nerve thing but in my years of anxiety have never had this.

Anyone else had nausea quite bad.


09-29-2007, 03:34 PM
i drink PURE gingerale for it( found at health stores ) ive found it to help it, not the store bought kind, to much sugar, the kind you buy at health stores, PURE GINGER ALE, hope that helps 8)

09-29-2007, 06:39 PM
Taking fresh ginger tea and ginger caps butnot really cuttingit


10-08-2007, 12:46 AM
I think gingerale does help a little. My nausea is bad enough that I had to get prescription. The doc gave me zofram, which they also give to chemo patients. I have also been give fenergan (sp?) and that can help too.

10-08-2007, 07:51 AM
Drinking mint tea helps also because mint calms the stomach. Try not to think about the nausea and focus your energy elsewhere.

Anti-acids also help.

11-21-2007, 09:57 PM
I also had extreme nausea 24/7.
Turns out, the nervous stomach (due to anxiety) pushes the acid up into your chest, which gives you the urge to vomit. Also known as acid reflux.
The doc put me on meds for this, and syptoms went away after taking the first pill. It was amazing!

11-22-2007, 02:50 PM
Hi Razz,

I've found interesting you spoke about "sick head" because I have the same thing. I've called it "nausea of the brain" before.
I feel a stong fit of nausea to the pit of my stomach, and right after I get the same feeling in my head. It's a very strange symptom.

I've had it for about two years now, it comes and goes. Recently it started again and it happens mostly when I go to sleep or wake up. Basically, when I lie on my bed. Before, it used to happen when I sat at work. So I was sure it was anxiety related, it was just too weird to be anything else.

You sure should focus on what you enjoy doing and stop giving this too much thought. As I'm doing, and sooner or later, it will fade away.