View Full Version : New to Forum/ Anxiety critical level

09-28-2007, 04:41 AM
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to this forum. I've suffered from anxiety on and off for 20 years or so without having to go on medication. I was taking 5HTP for a long time and that did the trick for me but things changed this summer. It happened in June when I got really busy with my work. To take a vacation I have to work extra hard before and extra hard afterwards because there's nobody to do my work (I'm self employed). Then I started getting health problems. I have having hot flashed before but they were managable. Suddenly they were so extreme I was sweating all the time with one hot flash rolling in as soon as the other was gone. I got hemoroids and yeast infections. I tried to control all this with my diet since I am extremely sensitive to a lot of foods but everything kept spiraling out of control. Just this week I started getting extreme stomach cramps and severe insomnia (sleeping less than 2 hours at night). Last night I slept 1/2 hour total while shaking, trembling and crying. I can't stop the tension in my body. I am so exhaused and it won't stop. I am on my way today to see a doctor ( I don't have a regular GP but am going to a walk in clinic). I doubt if I will get medication from a doctor at a walk in clinic but I'm sure they will refer me to someone else. I'm just not sure how I can survive until that time. I feel like ants are crawling on my skin, like I am about to jump right out of it. I am scared too, to take mecication. I don't want to become dependant on it yet if my days are like this I will gladly take whatever will help.

I've looked at some of the medications on this website though and for a lot of them the side affect is insomnia. That's not good if I can't sleep already. Oh well. will discuss it with the doctor. I'm just a total basketcase today.

09-28-2007, 07:08 AM
Hey Jamima -

You must be terrified. It is really evident from your post, though, that you are a very strong fighter. That is what it takes. Remember that you have been through some of this before, remember that anxiety and panic like to change it up and surprise you with new symptoms and fears, remember that work stress and hormonal changes can trigger anxiety and panic and remember that it eventually ends.

Be the strong person you are!!!!

09-29-2007, 06:12 AM
Thanks ImatypeA for your kind words. My older sister always said I was small but mighty.

Somehow during the day, my anxiety is not the same as it is at night. From looking at some of the posts and articles on this forum I think I now know why. At night, I try my best to not think of things I worry about but that's the time my brain starts going over things even if I'm not aware of it. I'm going to start to implement some of the techniques used here.

The doctor at the walk in clinic could only give me a few pills to help relax me. I may need to find a new doctor but may check with my holistic doctor first.

09-29-2007, 04:11 PM
When I am busy, I can usually keep things in check. As soon as I finish my work for the day and have time to myself - that is when the anxiety finds space in my brain to surface. And first thing in the morning - before my day has started.

I hate that cycle - you can't find time to relax. Sometimes a really hot shower helps wind it out of me.

Keep us posted on how your efforts work - :)

09-30-2007, 06:09 AM
Thanks ImatypeA. The anxiety is not so bad now but I'm feeling crappy from all my physical ailments.

I battle with Candida and the Candida got out of control this summer. On my Candida forum I hear that anxiety can be related to the Candida too. Well, that's something I hadn't thought of. I plan to call my holistic doctor tomorrow to get an appointment. Who would have thought? But I do remember that when he gave me the antifungals last year and I changed my diet, I used to be obsesive compulsive (had it for many years) and that stuff stopped. Weird, eh? There's a strong link between our physical health and mental health.

10-07-2007, 10:31 AM
Hi Jemima,

The nighttime is the hardest time for most of us. Before I learned to stop and prevent my panic attacks, i too would sleep only about 2 or 3 hours a night (sometimes less). The sleep deprivation makes someone with anxiety that much more edgy. It really can be a vicious cycle.

Are you taking advantage of any breathing or stretching exercises during the day? They can really help with the insomnia.


10-08-2007, 06:01 AM
Hey Jamima Im self employed also. Ive had to take a break, and ive got customers on my back left, right and centre. Thing is my doctor just said to me take a break. It took me 3 visits and 18mths of panic before my doctor diagnosed me with GAD. I dont wanna give up my business because ive worked hard its very new, est in Jan 07 and been going really well. However I suffered anxiety and insomnia before then and the added stress all came to a head 3 weeks ago when I literally went to my mum and cried like a baby, made her take the day off from work and come the doctors with me cos I was so confused and messed up. Im a 22yr old male and used to be care-free.
Maybe ive just took on too much - too young.
My girlfriend who is my world had been away on a dance tour for 3 weeks in egypt and we could barely speak due to the costs of phone calls. I was mentally tired anyway but I worked 14 hr days rewiring houses completely alone. Alone with my thoughts and everything else, I just cracked up. I felt if my mum left me for work that day something was gonna get me. I can look back now and see how irrational it was, but I think that was my first panic attack.