View Full Version : Is this Anxiety?

07-20-2013, 04:45 PM
I've been suffering from Panic Attacks for about a year now, but this last week I stopped Caffeine cold turkey. The last 2 days I have been experiencing horrible nausea and dizziness. I also feel like I need to hold the walls to walk around. I have a weird foggy head feeling and feel like i could puke. I had to have my wife drive me around today because i felt that dizzy.

Could it be something more? Thyroid issues? Lyme disease? or I am over worrying?

Any advice would help. Feel sick to my stomach atm :eek:

07-20-2013, 06:19 PM
Any ideas? could i just have a virus/bug that is making me feel like this? I am also super tired.

07-20-2013, 08:57 PM
Caffeine withdrawl can be pretty intense. I also quit coffee cold turkey about a week ago. I've noticed I'm a lot more tired than usual, have headaches, nausea and my stomach just feels nervous a lot. Dizziness and even vomiting can both be symptoms if caffeine withdrawl. How much coffee were you drinking before you quit?

07-20-2013, 09:27 PM
Any ideas? could i just have a virus/bug that is making me feel like this? I am also super tired.

Sitemaster... As we've talked before I know you're stubborn! ;) but I really think you should talk to your doctor about your symptoms since you never have.

07-20-2013, 10:10 PM
I know I know lol! I didn't really feel panicky too much though, the dizziness went away, I was super until about 5pm, the dizziness is gone. Never drank coffee but was hooked on pepsi. I stopped it all together about 5 days ago. The next day after stopping i felt dizzy, i feel normal now. Hopefully it's just missing the caffeine. I have to say i dont really feel a pounding chest since i stopped. just very tired

If it's not withdrawls then i guess its either, my thyroid, lyme disease, or a stroke (based on webmd's symptom checker) . haha jk.

07-21-2013, 01:27 PM
I know I know lol! I didn't really feel panicky too much though, the dizziness went away, I was super until about 5pm, the dizziness is gone. Never drank coffee but was hooked on pepsi. I stopped it all together about 5 days ago. The next day after stopping i felt dizzy, i feel normal now. Hopefully it's just missing the caffeine. I have to say i dont really feel a pounding chest since i stopped. just very tired

If it's not withdrawls then i guess its either, my thyroid, lyme disease, or a stroke (based on webmd's symptom checker) . haha jk.

Hey sitemaster! Clear your inbox, I can't message you anymore cause your inbox is full lol

07-21-2013, 01:42 PM
Dizziness is a symptom of anxiety, definitely. but also sinus trouble (at least in my case).. Weather affects my inner ears (especially windy weather) and I get vertigo.. I can't say that's the cause of your problem, but it has been in my experience. and I do often feel dizzy when I'm experiencing panic attacks too.

07-21-2013, 03:05 PM
I always wondered if i had some allergies. It's been strange weather here. Hot then rainy the next day. Rained every day for a month, about to rain today, was hot again all day. Maybe your right.

07-21-2013, 03:05 PM
Does that sound like Vertigo? Not being able to walk right? almost like a really drunk walk i guess you could call it.

07-25-2013, 10:47 PM
Absolutely a symptom of anxiety!!!!!