View Full Version : just when you think you're okay

09-25-2007, 05:47 PM
Okay, I was doing fine. Then about two weeks ago I had a migraine complete with aura. Well it really freaked me out and I panicked. Now of course all my stupid symptoms come back. Like feeling an odd feeling in my arm and this stupid facial twitch. Does anyone else have a facial twitch when their anxiety is high? It seems like the more I think about it the worse it is.

09-25-2007, 08:22 PM
Hello, i had this same problem over the summer. I thought i had my panic disorder beat. Then, about 2 days later, it came back just like that. I myself don't twitch to often, but yeah it defiently can be a common symptom of anxiety or stress. Everyone experiences different symtoms, different ways. Yes, the more you think about it, the worse it gets. That's how anxiety is. Just try to control your breathing and reassure yourself that your going to be ok. Nothing is gonna happen. My panic attacks have gotten so bad that i've turned white and my whole body was tingling. I was almost positive i was gonna pass out, but i didn't. It just got to a point where it wasn't getting any worse, and i was able to accept the fact that nothing is going to happen to me. It was all in my head. You have to realize that anxiety is just a distraction. The same as you watching tv and an annoying little kid is jumping around yelling "LOOK AT ME,LOOK AT ME!" You just have to block it out. I know it's not as easy as it sounds, but you can do it. Just have faith. :)

09-26-2007, 05:41 AM
Thank you. I've been pretty much able to keep this under control for a while but I don't know what caused it to get so bad. I really feel like no one gets me. My husband and family are so sick of this garbage. I honestly am sick of myself. Your words of advice are helpful. I just can't let it get to the point where I'm panicking like that again. When I relax I'm fine.

09-27-2007, 01:04 PM
I hate migraines with the aura - I usually only get the visual aura without the headache - I get a blind blurry streak/ring around my vision - both eyes. Funny though - that never freaked me out. I think that is because I have had them since I was 20 which predated my first anxiety attack.

BUT I do get a facial twitch when I am anxiety ridden. Right on my jaw. Many people get facial twitches from anxiety.

I have found that anxiety is really smart - as soon as you gain an understanding that a certain symptom is being caused by anxiety and master it, the anxiety will find another way to manifest the next time around. Anxiety, for me, is just some emotional issue I won't/don't think about, demanding attention. It is easier for me to have a physical symptom than an emotional upset - doesn't that seem silly? Then I have to work backwards from the physical symptom that spawned the anxiety to the emotional issue underneath it. Even knowing this doesn't always help me cope.

I am trying very hard now to recognize how I am holding my muscles . I tend to hold them very tense - like I am bracing for attack - which tires you, causes strain, twitching numbness etc... I have just started a routine now where I have set my watch to beep every hour (except at night) for me to do a body check. - Where are my shoulders? Are my teeth clenched, are my hips tense...etc

If I can keep this up for a week, I am hoping to train myself to relax my muscles. I also hope it will alert me that there may be an emotional issues causing me to tense up in a certain situation. Little home remedy for me. I hope it works.

I hope any of this ramble helps you....

09-30-2007, 06:31 PM
You're right about anxiety being really smart. I'll have a certain symptom like shakiness say. Then something else will pop up, like the facial twitch and I will completely forget about the shakiness and focus on the twitch then the twitch will get bad then the shakiness goes away.

It is just so hard to believe that this all can be caused from anxiety. I have never been diagnosed by a doctor. I have been to the doctor many times over the past three years and they always tell me that I'm fine and send me home. But I guess I have never stressed to them how bad the worrying is.

Sometimes the worrying just consumes me. I know that it isn't rational but I have a hard time controlling my thoughts. Then the physical symptoms start which really freaks me out.

And of course the internet doesn't help. When a symptom comes here I am looking it up constantly. My family calls me Internet Doctor, MD. I'm just sick of going to the doctor and wish that I could just feel normal. I have a great life and feel like I'm wasting it with worry.

Anyway, rambling myself. Thanks for your comments.

10-01-2007, 08:47 PM
Trust me - anxiety can completely physically immobilize you - never mind the emotional impact on you and your family.

Let's see, I have had such muscle fatigue that I couldn't walk 20 yards without resting; couldn't hold a twelve ounce bottle in my hand; dreaded stairs (at 26 years old!!) KNEW I was dying :shock: But I am still here.

Flashes of light in my vision at night, numbness in my face, random persistent twitching every where for months on end, sores on my gums (THOSE SUCK). Now the semi permanent jaw twitch.

No one at my workplace would EVER guess I suffer this type of anxiety. I am pretty successful at what I do.

It took me 10 years of believing I had some fatal illness before I went to a psychiatrist - best decision I ever made. I would go to my general doctor who would say I was just fine, just working too much, go home. Just like your experience. I never told them I worried so much either - I should have.

Takes work and, for me, medication, to find a level playing field. And there are still struggles. I am always trying to stay a step ahead, think of new ways to relax, new ways to release my work and personal stress (other than physical symptoms becoming major anxiety triggers!)

I understand your concerns about burdening your family with your fears - do you feel comfortable going to a counselor?

10-03-2007, 04:03 PM
Counseling does work. And i must say that this forum is an excellent introduction for those that have trouble expressing their emotions face to face with someone. There's a wonderful anonymity about this place.

The important thing to tell yourself is that "You're okay". It may sound silly and redundant but by saying it everytime you feel anxious, it's like having an automated voice of reason reassure you that it's all in your head.

If you're tight on time, try doing this exercise in the shower in the morning or at night. Name the things you are thankful for and the things and people you are lucky to have.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Train your brain to think in a positive light. We have anxiety and it becomes habit forming to think in a negative light.

"i have no money"
"i have no friends"
"everybody hates me"

Break this habit by FORCING your brain to think in a positive light.
Everytime a negative thought slips into your head, immediately knock that thought out your head and contradict it with a POSITIVE thought.

"i have no money" - interupt with - "I HAVE A LOVING FAMILY"
"i have no friends" - interupt with - "I DREAM OF DOING (fill in) SOME DAY"
"everybody hates me" - interupt with - "I THINK I'LL EAT (favorite food) TODAY"

Do this for a couple of weeks and you'll feel much more in control of your thoughts.


10-04-2007, 05:14 AM
I am seriously considering seeing someone for this because I feel like I can't live like this forever. I recognize now that I probably have had this since I was a kid. It really would come and go in my twenties and now in my thirties it is here more than not. It seems like I'm always worried about something, primarily health related.

It starts in the morning as soon as I wake up and I think "Am I going to have that twitch today?" And I try to keep myself busy but when I least expect it...here comes the twitch and I get upset.

I'm just not sure where to start. My GP's have been no help. Can you just go to a psychologist without having a diagnosis from your doctor? I think if I could get diagnosed I would feel better.

Anyway, thank you for your posts. Some days I feel so defeated and knowing that other people are there helps. A lot. :)