View Full Version : Cbt

07-18-2013, 03:57 PM
So I've just done a bit of work for my CBT book my therapist gave me after reading through it I thought if let you all know something I read I thought it was a great example...

So... It's all about exposure with me I am scared to be on my own and go in to busy places.. But if you expose your self to it slowly and surely you will start getting used to it. It's like starting a new job we all remember that feeling we had the first day then after a week or so maybe even a month you start feeling not so worried and nervous about going. Start off small anxiety peaks and then will go down if we expose our selfs to the things we struggle with so for me I will go in to my local shop and just keep doing it till I felt comfortable next step is a bigger store and the anxiety peaks for about 30 mins then will slowly go down it hard but works!