View Full Version : Having Super Powers?

07-18-2013, 02:08 PM

I have social anxiety disorder, and I was wondering if feeling possessed by something with super powers is a symptom of that, or is it schizophrenia, or something else?

Thank you for your help.

07-18-2013, 02:21 PM

I have social anxiety disorder, and I was wondering if feeling possessed by something with super powers is a symptom of that, or is it schizophrenia, or something else?

Thank you for your help.

I have symptoms like that too I think..

.. I used to get very overwhelmed that I wd become possessed.. And I also had a great deal of fear that I was schizophrenic too.. Those symptoms went away as soon as I was medicated for a bit- which proved to me tht it was anxiety/OCD..

07-18-2013, 09:48 PM
Seems kinda like a symptom of psychosis - delusions of grandeur...

07-19-2013, 12:19 AM
So let me get this straight, you think you are possessed?

07-19-2013, 08:39 AM
It's just a symptom of anxiety.. My head would run away w any suggestion lol.. Sounds crazier than it is.. But just like anything w anxiety..

I'm good these days.. But I used to be so worried about that kind of stuff..

A crazy person doesn't know they're crazy.. So- if someone REALLY were convinced they were possessed I doubt they wd be posting it as a concern on an anxiety forum.. Instead they wd have really lost their mind and be out., acting possessed or something hahaha..

Like I cdnt watch scary movies like the exorcist lol.. Sounds silly.. But..

07-19-2013, 08:50 AM
I totally get what Kellie is saying...in that anxious state your mind seems to be able to take any suggestion and run with it. I normally watch a lot of crime shows and horror movies, psychological thrillers and the like, but when I started having anxiety I had to stop for a while because I felt so consumed by them. Because of the fact that the majority of my anxiety is health and death related, something that I normally watch without any problem was suddenly triggering my anxiety in a major way...things in the news or on those kinds of shows would make me feel anxious and want to cry at the drop of a hat, and suddenly relate to weird things in a way that definitely makes you feel crazy! And I completely agree that someone who is genuinely crazy doesn't know they are crazy, so they wouldn't be worrying about whether or not they are.

07-19-2013, 08:57 AM
I totally get what Kellie is saying...in that anxious state your mind seems to be able to take any suggestion and run with it. I normally watch a lot of crime shows and horror movies, psychological thrillers and the like, but when I started having anxiety I had to stop for a while because I felt so consumed by them. Because of the fact that the majority of my anxiety is health and death related, something that I normally watch without any problem was suddenly triggering my anxiety in a major way...things in the news or on those kinds of shows would make me feel anxious and want to cry at the drop of a hat, and suddenly relate to weird things in a way that definitely makes you feel crazy! And I completely agree that someone who is genuinely crazy doesn't know they are crazy, so they wouldn't be worrying about whether or not they are.

Yes yes yes!! Exactly st8 :)

07-19-2013, 08:58 AM
*str8 lol typo

07-20-2013, 07:54 AM
Thank you for all your replies. Basically, I have, as u4ea put it, delusions of personal grandeur. These delusional thoughts are that I have a superpower, and that others around me are basically trying to get it out of me, and that they are sometimes following me.

Is this anxiety related? I really hope it isn't schziophrenia.

07-20-2013, 08:11 AM
Thank you for all your replies. Basically, I have, as u4ea put it, delusions of personal grandeur. These delusional thoughts are that I have a superpower, and that others around me are basically trying to get it out of me, and that they are sometimes following me.

Is this anxiety related? I really hope it isn't schziophrenia.

I'm not really sure about this then.. But I'm sure that a mental health care professional will easily be able to diagnose and treat you..