07-18-2013, 10:02 AM
So I used to have a bad problem with lying. It was really something I just did. I would lie about anything. I feel like it was really a self esteem thing that would make me feel better. But I have realized that I was a liar and I am fixing it now. I can barely even tell little white lies now because I feel bad about it. Which is actually a good thing. But when I am dealing with a lot of anxiety I feel like my mind always tells myself that I am lying even though I know I am not which makes me worry and then it makes me challenge things that I already know are true. This kind of just causes a vicious circle of anxiety because I stress about all of these different things even though I know that what I am saying is true and that challenging my thinking is ridiculous because the things I am saying I know are 100% true. But I just can't seem to shake it sometimes then I feel like I obsess over it all the time. Anyone else have any problems like this? Or any problem where they challenge themselves on things they already know are true?
Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!
Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!