View Full Version : novel self-help technique to reduce obsessive thoughts

09-24-2007, 11:55 PM
Dear forum members,
Our research group has been involved in the research and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) for many years. Since the end of 2005, we have been developing a new treatment method (association splitting), which aims at reducing intensity and frequency of obsessive thoughts. You can downlaod the manual cost-free via our webpage (since I am a new member I cannot post URLs but you can find our page if you google: "association splitting Moritz") or send us an email at: [email protected].

In a pilot study (*see below) with 30 OCD patients we found an average reduction of obsessive-compulsive symptomatology of 26%, the strength of obsessive thoughts was reduced by 25%. After three weeks, during which the method was to be self-applied, up to 42% of participants showed a symptom decline of at least 35%. Thus, association splitting represents a promising treatment strategy for a substantial minority of patients. Since conducting our pilot study, we have further refined the approach. In future, we will focus on promoting the incorporation of our method into existing therapy programs.

The method is aimed at persons suffering from specific, that is, concrete obsessive thoughts (e.g. excessive concerns to contaminate others; uncertainty to have driven someone over by car accidentally; fear to cause catastrophe in the case of not putting things into a particular order or not making a certain prayer).

We rely on your feed-back to improve the technique and the comprehensibility of the manual. Please take the time to provide a feed-back at: [email protected] (Dr. Steffen Moritz).

Best regards,

Dr. Steffen Moritz & Dr. Lena Jelinek

Moritz, S. Jelinek, L., Klinge, R. & Naber, D. (in press). Fight fire with fireflies! Association splitting: a novel cognitive technique to reduce obsessive thoughts. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy