View Full Version : Chest pain!

07-18-2013, 07:12 AM
does anyone suffer with chest pain all day every day??
Everytime I breathe in I get a pain under left breast anyone get this??

07-18-2013, 07:33 AM
What you are describing sounds like stuck/trapped rib heads. I did this once and got about 3 trapped on my left side. It really hurt and I only found it comfortable to take shallow breaths. It's surprisingly easy to go this to yourself, I've no idea how I did mine but I've heard of others doing it simply by doing the cleaning, picking up something heavy or just twisting awkwardly. Any Osteopath will be able to pop them back into place, assuming that it is that.

07-18-2013, 07:38 AM
thank you!

it's annoying cos everytime I breathe in yawn or even move sometimes it hurts! I was thinking it could b a muscle strain from carrying my little one but it doesn't feel tender anywhere. :/

07-18-2013, 07:55 AM
It could also be trapped wind as this can be so painful to

07-18-2013, 07:58 AM
I tried gaviscon tablets but didn't work, can u recommend anything else?

07-18-2013, 08:23 AM
Chest pain is anxiety 101. Read about the fight or flight response and you'll understand this more. In a nutshell this response surges adrenaline around the body, this blood filled with adrenlaine rushes around the chest wall muscles to protect vital organs from impact.

Fight or flight kicks off at the drop of a hat when you're anxious. This means muscles are fatigued and chest pains are so very common. It can be short and sharp or it can last for days or weeks on end.

Tip - don't fear it. let them come and go as they please, it's just your body's way of saying it's stressed and wants you to unwind and let it recover and repair. Adding fear and worry onto symptoms the body is giving off to ay it's had enough fear and worry. Let it be and you will start to feel better. but this takes time. There is no instant cure.

Yes chest pain is alarming. but this is key - you are not going to be hurt by this. Yes it's painful but it's not causing problems that are going to kill you.

Read more about anxiety, read the stickies at the top of the forum. Knowledge is power, the more you understand anxiety the less you fear it. Fear and worry is what fuels anxiety. It's up to you and your outlook on life and symptoms that affects how you feel.

Hope you feel better soon.


07-18-2013, 08:24 AM
it sounds like intercostal muscle strain, probably from hauling that little one around. symptoms of this would include:
-stabbing pain on lower breast that persists, usually worsens with attempt to move or straighten the upper body.
-pain is localized at one point
-pain increases with heavy breathing

If this sounds like you, try lying flat with hands straightened above head for a little bit.

07-18-2013, 08:25 AM
PS regarding ribs. I spent over £500 on chiropractic work because she said the chest pain was because of ribs. Take it as red that it's anxiety. The minute you start thinking "Oh it's anxiety and something else" is continuing to allow the symptoms to continue. If you keep 100% active. Fully engaged in something and the pains dull or disappear that is 100% proof it's anxiety. If it was something else there wouldn't be relief pain would be constant.


07-18-2013, 08:52 AM
thanks guys. it comes on wen I'm resting or walking round. gonna try my propanolol see if it helps me out and gets rid of these awful pains! thanks again. xx

07-18-2013, 09:03 AM
just been on phone to doctors there and according to them it sounds like muscular pain :/

07-18-2013, 12:42 PM
does anyone suffer with chest pain all day every day??
Everytime I breathe in I get a pain under left breast anyone get this??

I use to get this quite often .... Two things I was told it could be

1--- pulled muscle as very easy to pull under yr chest

2--- if your quite slim ( I can't remember what it's called ) but there is something that u get " not serious " but causes that pain due to pulling / coughing / stretching ... U can pull yrself very easily

Wouldn't worry :-)