View Full Version : Neck pain a new symtom

07-18-2013, 02:24 AM
So I now have this weird pain in my neck on the left side this is new to me when ever I get a new pain I worry even more ! Really annoyed by this because I woke up feeling quite good this morning now it's Going Down hill again :(

07-18-2013, 02:25 AM
Do some neck tension stretches every few hours for a couple of weeks. Havwe a hot bath. But dont assume things are going downhill. It's your bodies way of showing you that it's undergone stress and worry recently and is asking for a break. Don't add more fear ontop of things. Do your best to keep busy. Make sure your posture is good and don't fret or panic.


07-18-2013, 08:15 AM
Agree with Ed...it is likely tension. Posture is a big thing. I know I have bad posture and I've been trying to keep it in check and do better with it...it's definitely a hard habit to change because you do it so subconsciously. Anyway, my counselor gave me this awesome worksheet on Progressive Muscle Relaxation. I've been doing that a couple of times throughout the day and it really helps with a lot of the tension I get. I've also been doing regular head rolls and stretches because most of my tension is in my neck area. If nothing else, it helps me to just to relax and refocus. Here is a link to the Progressive Muscle Relaxation instructions. Hope maybe it helps!
