View Full Version : Racing heart

07-17-2013, 06:08 PM
It's been over 5 months since I e obsessed over my heart rate, and it's happening again dang it. I'm 4 months pregnant, and just about 2 nights ago I awoke with my heart racing. Now I feel it racing all the time, and especially after I eat. Once I've eaten, it will race and race for hours. Makes me not want to eat, but I have to! And when I stand, it racing like crazy. I'm talking at 120-130 bpm. When I'm sitting it'll be anywhere from 84-96 bpm. I'm use to a steady 76, with an occasional increase after eating, but doesn't last for more than 2 hours. This sucks. Same thing happened when I got pregnant last time, but it ended in miscarriage. I'm thinking mostly because I obsessed over my heart rate so much, that I became such an anxious disaster.

I'm hoping for more self control this time around. I don't even have to use my finger to check my pulse. I can constantly feel it and count it. The thumping and racing is really hard to ignore day after day.

07-17-2013, 06:22 PM
Have you tried the magnesium that Judie suggested to you last month?

07-17-2013, 07:20 PM
I'm pregnant, so I have to ok everything by my ob. I take prenatals though, which have a lot o magnesium in them.