View Full Version : Books on Anxiety

07-17-2013, 10:50 AM
Does anyone know of any good books about anxiety that you've found helpful?

07-17-2013, 11:34 AM
Yeah i would like to know some too.

07-17-2013, 11:39 AM
A Life At Last by Paul David


07-17-2013, 12:08 PM
im readying at the moment 'self help for your nervs' by dr Claire weekes, few chapters in but its very reassuring and makes sense and she writes
it as if shes sitting next to you....I was also recommended by a friend "feel your fears and do it anyway" by susan geffers......both have over 200
positive reviews on amazon and are cheap at around £5.

07-17-2013, 04:10 PM
im readying at the moment 'self help for your nervs' by dr Claire weekes, few chapters in but its very reassuring and makes sense and she writes
it as if shes sitting next to you....I was also recommended by a friend "feel your fears and do it anyway" by susan geffers......both have over 200
positive reviews on amazon and are cheap at around £5.

Claire Weekes, helped me a lot!!! All of her Boons are great!!!

07-17-2013, 04:31 PM
I to have just ordered Claire weekes too she was a doctor who suffered anxiety her self when she was studying science she was Australian. I have done a bit of research on her and her books and she has help many people over come their anxiety state by changing you thinking and going with your panic attack embracing it and letting it pass rather than running from it and feeding it. Hopefully the two books I ordered should come this week ones called hope and help for your nerves and I can't remember the name of the other.

07-17-2013, 04:53 PM
Claire Weekes, helped me a lot!!! All of her Boons are great!!!

Same here, I love this quote attributed to her:

'You may think I stress acceptance too much.

You may be skeptical about the simplicity of this approach or may have hoped for a more impressive treatment,especially one that does not leave so much for you to do.

I stress acceptance BECAUSE I HAVE SEEN IT CURE when all else failed. I have seen it CURE PEOPLE AFTER MORE THEN FORTY YEARS of their trying one different method after another.


Of course, acceptance is made easier by understanding, and this I am trying to give you.

Consider how acceptance works.

It brings a less tense approach; emotions have a chance to calm a little, and there is release from asking the everlasting WHY? WHY? WHY?
So mental fatigue gradually lifts.'

07-17-2013, 06:10 PM
Claire Weekes, helped me a lot!!! All of her Boons are great!!!

No Boons but Books!!! Sorry ;-))

07-17-2013, 06:42 PM
Claire Weekes, helped me a lot!!! All of her Boons are great!!!

im readying at the moment 'self help for your nervs' by dr Claire weekes, few chapters in but its very reassuring and makes sense and she writes
it as if shes sitting next to you....I was also recommended by a friend "feel your fears and do it anyway" by susan geffevrs......both have over 200
positive reviews on amazon and are cheap at around £5.

yer vannie im like 12chapters in and its a good read I think even if its just to help you understand anxiety and im upto the cure bits and her breaking down the reasons behind it
its deffinately worth a read. she is really good