View Full Version : Fellow recovered sufferers, please share your recovery tactics.

07-17-2013, 03:53 AM
Hi all,

I've personally vowed to help as many people as I can get over their anxiety. I know some of you do also. I was wondering what Tactics you all used to help others or yourself overcome it all. Below I'll provide some of my own methods.

Intrusive/delusional(hearing things)/irrational thoughts (this also includes worried/paranoid about health)- Allow the thoughts to happen. Don't attach emotions to the thought. When you do they will persist. Change the emotion or reaction tied to the thought. There is more stuff I know about this, but I'm just being brief.

Panic attack-deep breathing (though people say it doesnt help), it works when you pause between inhale and exhale. Then you take yourself on a visualization ride. Its better when the person is alone. Because with someone else present they are more likely to give up and beg for help. Key is to handle it yourself. Teach yourself how to deal, instead of relying on someone else.

Underlying issue-Usually it's relationship issues, some form of abandonment, death of someone, verbal abuse, threat, dangerous life style, lack of purpose.

Health-change eating habits, cardio, sports, sleepy time tea/chamomile (3 times a day), quit drinking, quit marijuana.

This is not all set in stone, it varies from person to person. But these are the tactics I've used. I help people find the underlying issues (whatever it may be). People with anxiety are very unsure and self-blame a lot. At a normal state they wouldn't normally blame themselves, they'd be singing along to "Miranda Lambert-Gunpowder and Lead" or anything by Fiona Apple.

I think people on here are a lot stronger than I was going through my stuff. I was too scared to talk to anyone about it and it made life worse.

Anyways, please let me know what tactics you use/used. I'd really like to learn more.

07-17-2013, 04:28 AM
Not fully recovered but I know i'm slowly getting there.

Acceptance is key. Without it you continue to worry and fear and allow anxiety to continue.
Read about anxiety, understand how it's affecting you.
Start CBT to help gain a prespective on anxiety and the tools to help you recover
Responding with apathy to symptoms to prevent them from escalating
Removing processed sugars, fats and eating wholefoods, raw veg and fruit.
Give it time, there's no overnight cure.
Cut down and eventually cut out medication as they simply won't cure you; only mask symptoms.

Keep hydrated. Probably best to cut down or cut out caffeine.