07-16-2013, 07:38 PM
Whenever I hear of someone else having a heart attack or getting cancer I always get nervous and harp on it. I have severe hypochondria. Does this affect anyone else or am I weird ??😁
07-16-2013, 07:50 PM
I am the exact same way! I can't even handle hearing about stuff like that, I start to obsess and worry about it. I've been this way since I was little. I wish I knew how to make it stop! You're not alone.
07-16-2013, 07:52 PM
Whew!! It's crazy!! Glad I'm not alone. Really trying to let go of the anxiety but its so hard!
07-16-2013, 08:00 PM
Glad I'm not the only one too. I know others with anxiety but no one is a hypochondriac like I am. Everyone thinks I'm completely ridiculous but I really do worry all the time. Really wish I could find a way to get over it for good. I notice its worse in the summer for me, always has been and no idea why. My therapist doesn't even know why I'm like this :/
07-16-2013, 08:03 PM
This has been me for the past couple weeks. Whenever I hear about tumours, cancer or death i just associate it with myself. It's so annoying that anxiety makes you think this way. 😠
07-16-2013, 08:07 PM
Omg... This is my worst symptom. Obsessing over it..
08-07-2013, 01:47 AM
Me too! I can't even see the word cancer without thinking I have it. I have thought up so many symptoms that I'm feeling everyday since I started thinking I have cancer. It's been about 10 months now and my symptoms seem to get worse!!! I think I'm gonna die everyday literally for 10 months now.
08-07-2013, 03:01 AM
This is me as well if I see someone young had died of a heart attack I really convince myself I'm next!! I have to try an stay if Facebook because if I see the word rip I will investigate who has died and why!! And become obsessive over it it's awful
08-07-2013, 03:05 AM
Me too!!!!! So crazy but I found something that made me feel like 1 million times better. If you feel like reading. Lol
Common Anxiety Symptoms
Here are some of the many symptoms associated with anxiety disorder (because each person has a unique chemical make up, the symptoms and their intensity will vary from person to person).
The Member's area of this website contains explanations on what causes many of these symptoms and why they occur:
* Burning Sensations throughout the body
* Chronic Fatigue
* Electric shock feeling
* Excess of energy, you feel you cant relax
* Feel like you are going to pass out or faint
* Feeling cold or chilled
* Hyperactivity, excess energy
* Increased or decreased sex drive
* Muscle twitching
* Neck, back, shoulder pain, tightness/stiffness
* No energy, feeling lethargic, tired
* Numbness or tingling in hands, feet, face, head, or any other places on the body
* Persistent muscle tension, stiffness
* Sore or tight scalp or back of the neck
* Startle easily
* Sweating, uncontrollable profuse sweating
* The floor feels like it is moving either down or up for no reason
* Trembling or shaking
* Urgency to urinate, frequent urination, sudden urge to go to the washroom
* Warm spells
* Weak legs, arms, or muscles
* Chest pain or discomfort
* Concern about the heart
* Feel like you have to force yourself to breath
* Find it hard to breath, feeling smothered, shortness of breath
* Frequent yawning to try and catch your breath
* Heart beating hard or too fast, rapid heartbeat, palpitations
* Heart - Irregular heart rhythms, flutters or skipped beats, tickle in the chest that makes you cough
* Dramatic mood swings
* Emotional blunting
* Emotions feel wrong
* Frequently feel like crying for no reason
* A heightened fear of what people think of you
* Afraid of being trapped in a place with no exits
* Constant feeling of being overwhelmed.
* Fear of being in public
* Fear of dying
* Fear of losing control
* Fear of impending doom
* Fear of making mistakes or making a fool of yourself to others
* Fear that you are losing your mind
* Fears about irrational things, objects, circumstances, or situations
* Fears of going crazy, of dying, of impending doom, of normal things, unusual feelings and emotions, unusually frightening thoughts or feelings
* Heightened self awareness, or self-consciousness
* Need to find nearest washrooms before you can feel comfortable
* Need to seat near exits
* Dizziness or light-headedness
* Frequent headaches, migraine headaches
* Feeling like there is a tight band around your head, pressure, tightness
* Head, neck or shoulder pain, tightness/stiffness
* Giddiness
* Shooting pains in the face
* Shooting pains in the scalp or head
* When you close your eyes you feel like are beginning to, or will, float upwards
* Sore jaw that feels like a tooth ache
* Frequent or intermittent reduced hearing or deafness in one or both ears
* Low rumbling sounds
* Ringing in the ears, noises in the ears, noises in the head
* Desensitization, depersonalization
* Fear of going crazy
* Fear of losing control
* Fear of impending doom
* Feelings of unreality
* Frequent feeling of being overwhelmed, or that there is just too much to handle or do
* Having difficulty concentrating
* Obsession about sensations or getting better
* Repetitive thinking or incessant mind chatter
* Underlying anxiety, apprehension, or fear
* You often feel you are carrying the world on your shoulders
* Always feeling angry and lack of patience
* Depression
* Feeling down in the dumps
* Feeling like things are unreal or dreamlike
* Frequently being on edge or 'grouchy'
* Frequently feel like crying for no apparent reason
* Have no feelings about things you used to
* Underlying anxiety, apprehension, or fear
* You feel like you are under pressure all the time
* A tinny, metallic or ammonia, or unusual smell or taste
* Choking
* Constant craving for sugar or sweets
* Constipation
* Diarrhea
* Difficulty swallowing
* Dry mouth
* Feeling like you cant swallow properly or that something will get caught in your throat
* Feeling like your tongue is swollen
* Frequent upset stomach, bloating, gaseous
* Lack of appetite or taste
* Nausea or abdominal stress
* The thought of eating makes you nauseous
* Tight throat, lump in throat
* Vomiting
* Difficulty falling or staying asleep
* Frequent bad, bizarre, or crazy dreams
* Hearing sounds in your head that jolt you awake
* Insomnia, or waking up ill in the middle of the night
* Jolting awake
* Waking up in a panic attack
* You feel worse in the mornings
* Distorted, foggy, or blurred vision
* Dry, watery or itchy eyes
* Eye tricks, seeing things our of the corner of your eye that isnt there, stars, flashes
* Eyes sensitive to light
* Spots in the vision
* Flashing lights when eyes are closed
* Your depth perception feels wrong
* Numbness
* Pain
* Tingling, pins and needles feelings
Other symptoms are described as:
Being like a hypochondriac, muscle twinges, worry all the time, tingles, gagging, tightness in the chest, tongue twitches, shaky, breath lump, heart beat problems, head tingles, itchy tingling in arms and legs, and so many more.
In addition to these symptoms, you may also find yourself worrying compulsively about:
Having a heart attack
Having a serious undetected illness
Dying prematurely
Going insane or losing your mind
Harming yourself or someone you love uncontrollably
Being embarrassed or making a fool out or yourself
Losing control
Fainting in public
Not breathing properly
Choking or suffocating
Being alone
(NOTE: Each symptom is further described and explained in the Symptoms Demystifed section in the members area.)
These are some of the more common symptoms, but this list is certainly not exhaustive.
It is common for people to experience one or more of these symptoms. While some may experience them all others may experience only a few anxiety symptoms.
08-07-2013, 03:41 AM
This is me as well if I see someone young had died of a heart attack I really convince myself I'm next!! I have to try an stay if Facebook because if I see the word rip I will investigate who has died and why!! And become obsessive over it it's awful
OMG!! I do the SAME!!! :O
08-07-2013, 04:47 AM
This is me as well if I see someone young had died of a heart attack I really convince myself I'm next!! I have to try an stay if Facebook because if I see the word rip I will investigate who has died and why!! And become obsessive over it it's awful
I do this aswell!
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