View Full Version : Being happy is okay!

07-16-2013, 10:16 AM
I know that when we are in such a crappy mood and when we are constantly worried that things suck! Well when things are getting better you need to realize that it is okay to be happy! It is okay for you to be alright. You don't always need to feel the way that you do. When you feel happy or you feel like things are okay embrace it! Don't question it. I know I have troubles with questioning it but it really is okay to be happy again! When you feel happy don't try and bum yourself out again just take your happiness and embrace it. It's definitely easier said than done but it really is okay for you to be happy from time to time. It is actually a really great thing if you are! Try and embrace that feeling and remember it when things get tough again. Remember that at one point you were feeling happy again and use that as motivation to get back to that feeling. Everyone deserves to be happy again! Constantly worrying and living in fear isn't the way to live. Everyone can and will be happy again! You just need to believe in yourself and talk to anyone whenever you need a helping hand!

07-16-2013, 10:25 AM
How to get to the happy point to embrace it is the question. I don't mind feeling the happy an going with it for a while..... but it's hard to get there.

07-16-2013, 10:46 AM
I do agree with that. It is hard to get there. But it seems like when I get there I like to challenge it. Writing has always been a helpful tool for me to start feeling better. Just being able to write out different things and being able to put what's in my mind onto paper helps. Also writing out what you are worried about could help. When you write it down it might actually show you that what you are worrying about is ridiculous and shouldn't be something you are worrying about. Just do whatever you think will make you happy. I know it is hard but you never know until you try.

07-16-2013, 11:08 AM
Once you reach acceptance the fear is slowly removed. Without fear and worry ruling your daily thoughts its a lot easier to feel happy. Take that feeling and go with it.


07-16-2013, 11:11 AM
One thing that I realized is that when I get happy I stop doing the things that I was previously doing to get happy. Like when I get happy I stop writing and reading. I just kind of try and run away with my happiness instead of continuing to do that things that will help to keep me in a happy state.

07-17-2013, 12:19 AM
Acceptance has really been a huge part of this whole recovery process (I guess I could call it that). It has increased my level of happiness tenfold. And whenever I have a great day or a day when I feel less anxious, I try to think about it and I just talk to myself before falling asleep. I go through different things like "hey, I'm not going to suffer from this my whole life" or "someday I'll feel like this all the time". I feel like that has helped me and maybe my brain has finally started to understand that this is the way its supposed to think instead of going through pointless worries.

07-17-2013, 10:24 AM
Acceptance has really been a huge part of this whole recovery process (I guess I could call it that). It has increased my level of happiness tenfold. And whenever I have a great day or a day when I feel less anxious, I try to think about it and I just talk to myself before falling asleep. I go through different things like "hey, I'm not going to suffer from this my whole life" or "someday I'll feel like this all the time". I feel like that has helped me and maybe my brain has finally started to understand that this is the way its supposed to think instead of going through pointless worries.

I actually do that a lot of the time too. I like to just talk to myself and tell myself all the positive things. I like to just let myself know that I won't always feel worried or down. I feel like when you vocalize it then it will really become believable in your mind. I am still working on it daily but I feel like in time I can get back to being 100% happy and not worry about a bunch of things that I know aren't true or aren't things that I should worry about.

07-17-2013, 11:21 AM
I do this alot. I will feel alright for a night or two and I will start acting like my same old witty, funny, person that I like to be. But as soon as I have a second for my mind to sneak in there I try to level myself out. I will make myself feel bad for being so happy. Thinking "oh this wont last, you will be at work tomorrow having to pace because of your anxiety". Good advice, I am glad someone thinks that same thing.

07-17-2013, 01:10 PM
Thank you for an excellent reminder of what most people (?) pretty much take for granted. I needed to read this right now.

07-17-2013, 10:10 PM
One thing I tell myself which helps me a lot is when you are having headaches or having a tough day it is just your depression or anxiety trying to keep there. When you start feeling happy and then one minute you feel bad and start worrying just take a second and breathe. Tell yourself that it is your anxiety trying to keep you in that anxious state. You are getting better and your mind is scared because you haven't felt happy in some time. Well that is just your anxiety trying to keep you there. That's why you push on and fight back. Tell yourself that being happy is alright and that no matter what you know everything will be okay in time. It won't just get better in a day. But remember that PAIN IS TEMPORARY. who knows how long it will last but it WON'T last forever. That is a guarantee. Just try and go at every day with a positive attitude you will never know until you try!