View Full Version : talking changes? in UK
07-16-2013, 09:06 AM
hey ive tried medication for anxiety and felt iller so its a last option for me, im trying self help with books
and forums. today I was speaking to my work advisor as I couldn't make my appointment so
had to explain why. she told me she had suffered anxiety before and recommended another book
I should also read and recommened this group called talking changes? she self reffered me and
someone will ring to discuss my situation, basically they help with anxiety/depression etc. I was just
wondering if by chance any body on here had worked with this group before and if they had an positive
outcomes? x
I've not tried that particular one but did get a similar treatment on the NHS as part of their "Time To Talk" therapies where I was offered CBT. Previously I had paid for private counseling sessions to deal with certain situations in my life that had caused and were causing me stress and these private sessions where very good if very painful to go through as the dug up things in my life I had tried to bury as deep as I possibly could. It was during this therapy I became acutely aware of how stress can creep up on you when you least expect it as a couple of days after a very painful session my wife and I went away on a city break and I was feeling great, really positive, happy and stress free. Just at that moment I had a massive panic attack and ended up in A&E!
When I started the CBT with "Time To Talk" I was massively dubious. I really thought it was going to be an utter waste of time. I couldn't have been more wrong, it was brilliant and the insight it gave me into how all the safety measures that I had put in place weren't actually protecting me but continuing the cycle of anxiety.
I have therefore gone through two different types of 'talking' therapies and both have been a major help to me and so would definitely say that anything that Talking Changes offer you along similar lines could well be very helpful to you. Sometimes you have to say things out loud and explore them verbally before you yourself really understand what you yourself mean. Also having someone else listen and then guide you to realise how your mind works and how your coping strategies, although always done with the best intentions, often just perpetuate the cycle.
07-17-2013, 06:28 AM
Thankyou so much for your reply, I agree with you my anxiety creeped up with numerous stressfull incidents, so I know what the triggers are. I have been reading books by doctors which a really useful as they direct it at you and are really reassuring that im not going crazy and its pretty common and that am not physically ill and the symtpoms are all normal and
arnt damaging my body or going to get worse. so this is easing my anxiety slightly. I am only upto the curing methods now so I cant say much more. the only downfall is if you don't
understand or have questions you cant ask a book and im still bottling my feelings up really because I don't think my family i.e parents really understand. I find myself putting my son
to bed and just sitting alone reading it and not talking. so maybes it will help. ive just never heard of it, id considerd paying private session with the main anxiety organisation but mayb
this will help. just abit anxious about it.
Yeah the danger of doing things like this alone is that there is nobody to challenge your thinking and assumptions. Self examination can be useful but self diagnosis isn't. Often the assumptions we make about our own anxiety are distorted by anxiety so you can be absolutely convinced that 1+1=3 when someone else can guide you to see that actually it's 2. Ultimately it's up to you but ask yourself this, what's the worst that can happen?
Good Luck!
07-19-2013, 08:53 AM
yer peak I agree another point of view is always good. already in this book ive read bits and been like "whats that mean" so having someone to ask will help. and my favourite part of the book is reading how other people stories went gives me hope that ill get there, and this group will have helped numerous people like that. either way I think it cant make matters worse like you say, cause I feel my family don't understand so been able to open to someone who does will be a good thing alone rather than bottling things in. got my first telephone interview Monday to talk about the situation and best methods to use so....fingers crossed!
thanks for the replies ;) x
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