View Full Version : New and Having a tuff time accepting my illness..

09-23-2007, 04:56 PM
Hi i am new to this forum bu thave been here before to read peoples articles.....I have had anxiety all my life but only untill 2002 did it become serious....i am 25 turning 26 and have been off work for a year and living with my family after i chose to move home due to my extreme symptoms...I TRULY give all my strength to those batteling there demons and fears ...i know anxiety and depression is totally curable.....so i know we all who have problem of this nature can one day look back and laugh in our accomplishments......My ADvice IS is learn to accept your illness as a part of you and not to run for it.....Grab some form of Therapy such as CBT (cognitive or Talk theraphy) and truly learn t believe in yourself....
I have been invloved with drugs growing up and all that stuff so when i started forming anxiety i thought it was self inflicted and i became guilty and self hateing... latter i learn that anxiety must have been in my genes all my life an dit was the drugs stress that brought it out....Learning this i turned to spirtuality thinking that i needed to be forgived or something .....I latter learnt that i was using spirtuality as a form of escape and essentially grappled with more anxiety issues that pushed me further from my goals of recovery,,,,,,THE MORAL O FTHE STORY IS LEARN TO ACCEPT YOUR ANXIETY...ITS NOT YOUR FAULT (MOST OF US AR PRE-DESTINED DUE TO OUR GENES) UNDERSTAND ANXIETY AND LEARN COGINTIVE BEHAVIOURAL THERAPY

msn for support joeyzoe1 at hotmail dot com

09-24-2007, 10:50 PM
Good words of advise Benjamin. Its funny how people feel their anxiety must be the result of taking drugs earlier in life. I could be wrong, but I really doubt this is the case. I did not take drugs when I was younger, and I still got the anxiety curse! :P