View Full Version : anxiety accpetence in men and women

07-15-2013, 08:38 AM
I hate to cause controversy, but I noticed that far more women suffer from my condition GAD and many other anxiety disorders than men.

1. Why is that?

2. Is it possible that men do not report or seek help?

3. Does society and other men and women have less sympathy and understanding for men than women?

4.I mention this because every relationship that I am in, ends in failure because my female partner finds me too weak, needy, or lacking in risk taking. Are these general expectations for men?

5,And if so, how can I possibly relate or survive in such a society?

07-15-2013, 08:56 AM
I Definitely think that's the case,I know so many many men that don't go to the doctors for things and I think WHY lol