View Full Version : Best and worset jobs for GAD

07-14-2013, 11:15 AM
I did a few hours of web searches and found very little, good information on jobs for people with GAD.

I have been a teacher for 10 years, and can state that it has made my GAD much worse.


Although the students can be a pain, that is not the major problem.

I suffer terribly from having to make decisions and performance reviews.

Teaching is a job where you make almost all of the decisions and generally get only poor feedback.

Worse, there is always a new program, way, or technique (hoop) that you have to jump through.

To put it honestly, I can stay at my current job, where people I think understand about my GAD, but where my boss is a complete bully and liar.
Thus causing terrible resentment and fear


Try a new school and grade level, which terrifies me to the point of shutting me down,especially in learning or trying something new, or lesson plan design.

What are some jobs where it is white collar, pays ok, covers my medical, and does not require scrutiny or constant decision making.


07-14-2013, 11:17 AM
Sorry I forgot to mention that I think I am done with teaching.

What is another job that best handles my GAD.